Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

I'm trying to compile MRL.

I've downloaded ant and added to my path, same for ivy (which doesn't have a bin directory, but I've added the apache-ivy directory to the path).

Running ant dist starts to compile, but it outputs this error:

Also is there a wat to compile again from the stopped point? Running ant dist the compilations starts from scratch.


I'm having trouble to get my PS3 controller working as I want to.

My idea is to move the head when using the left stick.

Joypad is connected, it is detected and everything seems to work.

I want to move the head as long the stick is oblique.

This is the code (simplified withou servo, just prints):

April 6, 2018.


  Fred-X's middle is finished... Sort of.

I have completed the mechanical assembly.  I have discovered that if I change the state of configuration file 9 Neopixel from False to True that it causes the software to run as though there were some process eating up 99 % of the system resources. 

  I recommend not trying to run a NeoPixel ring unless you have a fix for this. I am not at that point yet.

  As soon as I get Fred's right leg finished I eill be standing him on his own legs.


When every we download latest buils from myrobotlab website.

the file version of 2693  downloaded.

the further next version is not downloaded.

is there any other link to download latest version build.


Is there a way to have MRL control 3 arduinos in a Inmoov?

I am currently building a second Inmoov, but I am scaleing it down to 88 percent, and I want to have a Uno in the head, and 2 megas in the body.

Any thoughts?

Hi core team,

we want to use eyelid servo pin no. 27 or 29 of left side mega .

when we done changes in eyelid config file . it says there is error in config file .

pls. help me to clear off this issue.

below are the changes 

who wrote the kinematics part of the software wondering if he took the shoulder joint into the eq. I am trying to learn but its a little confusing maybe someone can point me in the right direction and can we use java libraries in myrobotlab