Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Here is my first Cortex Experience... Open Cv was searching for foreground, then i've introduced a cap of Coke...Then the image was stable for 3 seconds and the picture was sent to Cortex.

The Picture is wrongly saved in Background instead of foreground-object but it is a Bug mentioned by GroG in his Cortex service Page and it will be fixed soon.

You can see also the red square bug.

Javadoc link
Example code (from branch develop):
#file : (github)
from java.lang import String
from org.myrobotlab.service import Sphinx
from org.myrobotlab.service import Runtime
# create ear and mouth
ear = runtime.start("ear","Sphinx")
mouth = runtime.start("mouth","MarySpeech")
# start listening for the words we are interested in
#ear.startListening("hello world|happy monkey|go forward|stop|yes|correct|ya|no|wrong|nope|nah")
ear.startListening("hello world|happy monkey|go forward|stop")
ear.addCommand("hello world", "python", "helloWorld")
# set up a message route from the ear --to--> python method "heard"
# ear.addListener("recognized",, "heard");
# ear.addComfirmations("yes","correct","yeah","ya")
# ear.addNegations("no","wrong","nope","nah")
# ear.addCommand("hello world", "python", "helloworld")
# set up a message route from the ear --to--> python method "heard"
# ear.addListener("recognized",, "heard");
# this method is invoked when something is
# recognized by the ear - in this case we
# have the mouth "talk back" the word it recognized
#def heard(phrase):
#      mouth.speak("you said " + phrase)
#      print "heard ", phrase
# prevent infinite loop - this will suppress the
# recognition when speaking - default behavior
# when attaching an ear to a mouth :)
def helloworld(phrase):
    print "This is hello world in python."
    print phrase
Example configuration (from branch develop):
#file : (github)
listeners: null
peers: null
type: Sphinx

Sphinx is a speech recognition service (Speech To Text)


Javadoc link

A WebServer service - allows control through AJAX and web services

The WebServer service load the contenent of the MRL folder on : http://localhost:19191/

localhost is : and the defaulf port is : 19191

Javadoc link
Example code (from branch develop):
audiocapture = runtime.start("audiocapture","AudioCapture")
#it starts capturing audio
# it will record for 5 seconds
#then it stops recording audio
#it plays audio recorded
# setting the recording audio format
# 8000,11025,16000,22050,44100
sampleRate = 16000;
# 8 bit or 16 bit
sampleSizeInBits = 16;
# 1 or 2 channels
channels = 1;
# bits are signed or unsigned
bitSigned = True;
# bigEndian or littleEndian
bigEndian = False;
# setting audio format     bitrate sample
audiocapture.setAudioFormat(sampleRate, sampleSizeInBits, channels, bitSigned, bigEndian)
#it starts capturing audio
# it will record for 5 seconds
#then it stops recording audio
#it plays audio recorded
# save last capture
Example configuration (from branch develop):
listeners: null
peers: null
type: AudioCapture

A simple service to record using a microphone.  The recording line can be configured with a variety of settings.

Javadoc link
Example code (from branch develop):
#file : (github)
# description: used as a general template
# categories: general
# more info @:
# start all speech services ( to test them )
# local :
marySpeech = runtime.start("marySpeech", "MarySpeech")
localSpeech = runtime.start("localSpeech", "LocalSpeech")
mimicSpeech = runtime.start("mimicSpeech", "MimicSpeech")
# api needed
polly = runtime.start("polly", "Polly")
voiceRss = runtime.start("voiceRss", "VoiceRss")
indianTts = runtime.start("indianTts", "IndianTts")

The speech service is a speech synthesis service.  It will take strings of characters and attempt to change them into audible speech.  There are two parts to the Speech service, a front end and a back end.  The front end simply accepts a string, but the back end can be switched from FreeTTS or Google.  

FreeTTS is an open source speech synthesis system.  

Template matching with video feed going over Video Streamer service.
My gamepad is LOCKED !
Trying to keep up with Alessandruino :P

whether the OpenCV library, I can create a project in java face login with webcam. Give me an example program..?