from org.myrobotlab.service import Arduino from org.myrobotlab.service import Servo
Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !
Im starting to re-write my new code for the InMoov since I upgraded to the latest version 1909, but it appears that the javadoc on the service webpage and the starter scripts are still for th 1695 version. Is there anyway I can get the javadoc for the Inmoov 2.0 and maybe a starter script if there is one? Thanks!
I prepared a new NIRcam for my Plantoid studies... after wrecking 2 webcam lenses I managed to properly remove the IR filter and calibrated the lens... while testing this new NIRcam I played with some opencv filters and finally captured these images which I wanted to share with you here... it is night here and the plant is illuminated only with an IR led array which i made for this purpose...
this is the opencv widget of the plant under IR light... no filters...
is there a way to change the rest value for the inmoov servos or do i have to have them as it appears in the default hardware map in the service webpage because the people who made my inmoov robot made it do that the rest positions were all different values instead of 0 or whatever the chart says
My starting point in MRL. Well, it's a 21st century drawing device, no longer you have to hold your pen. Just get started with it. It allows you to control your pen through your computer. I have explained my project in my youtube video. Do, watch it create miracle, and draw. Link:
UPGRADE 01/02/2014
Hello friends!