Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Finally the goal was scored!

Was missing the speed & pause to learn (save).

Now the speed and pause can also be saved. The learn-tag uses the oob-tag which goes thru multiple conditions and the final command is a "block" which contains set.speed()+move.servo()+pause(). Setting speed and pause is optional.




thanks greg for ur help we have done some testing using open cv in native python

can u sugguest some filter examples to remove granual noise

some problems we have noted:

1)problems in detecting very dark colour cars

2)unable to maintain a threshold due change in sun direction


I'm trying mrl on ubuntu and I have some problem with opencv service. When I starting opencv services the mrl is crashed.
In the attached you can find log debug.

As an experiment I have attached a Laser to InMoov's Left eye & Wii-Camera to its Right eye.

What InMoov sees is the reflected Laser light (depicted as the white dot on the green bar)