Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

New OpenCV filter  "SimpleBlobDetector" has been added.  It will watch a video stream and count up the number of blobs that it sees.  

There is no blob tracking, right now, it just tracks all points of interest so long as the new point of interest is more than 10 pixels away from an existing one.  

In the image below, I drew some blobs on a sheet of paper and held it up in front of the camera..  look at that, there are 5 blobs! 


Had to change the previous version as I received some conflicts. Lot of workaround as I use Python and AIML. The calculations are done in Python using the oob-tag in AIML. Getting back to Python I use the getRespond to receive the actual time and/or to reset the loop. Here we can choose minutes for the 4 stages, of course you can add many more stages if you like. For the video I kept it short, the daily use has 10 to 60 minutes. To be continued....…