Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

I created a client for PIC16f877 microcontroller.It is equivalent to version 20 of MRLcomm.ino.  With this client can connect to the MRL and write / read ports .. Ports A and E selected as inputs. Ports B, C and D outputs. It can improve but for now my serves me. PIN C6 is TX and C7 is RX. For conect MAX232 or any chip.             

                MRL-digitalwrite  ||                       MRL-digitalRead      


Well, as we open the gateways to blender from MRL, it seemed like a pretty obvious leap to start trying to render point cloud data from the kinect via OpenNI in blender.  I had the kinect write out to a text file all the x,y,z points.  In a small python script in blender, I loaded that text file and rendered small circles for each point.  

Hello Guys, It has been a while. I hope everyone is doing good.

I have a PI 2 and I am trying to load MRL on it. I am getting a lot of errors so I send you a no-worky.

I only downloaded the JAR file.




hi i want to simulate the PIC as an arduino and I know that the PC sends data to connect the arduino. perhaps asked this: GET_MRLCOMM_VERSION ???