Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hello. I'm a newbie in Python and MRL. I have 3 question at the moment. I'm so greatful if someone help me :)
1.  what is addListener? Can you explain that in detail?
2.  What is the different between addListener and subscribe?
3. why MRL does not have loop like arduino?

I'm so greatful if someone help me :)

Trying to switch InMoov control from windows to raspi. Can run now MRL and finally got the arduinos connected on the raspi 2 :-)

I can play mp3 files on the raspi with mpg321.

When I run the python "" script it does not speak:

Log-output from java:
... - listening
... - recognized: rest
... - audioFile/google/en_gb/audrey/did you say. rest.mp3 is missing

Having completed most of InMoov's head and borged a USB webcam into the eye socket I want to play with tracking.

I'm assuming that I need to use the Tracking runtime, but when I look down the list Top Codes and Tracking are not installed. If I try to install them I get the following error


Kinect and MRL works on MAC OSX MRL1.0.115 and MRL1.0.116

Download SimpleOpenNI

Open folder

Copy file (libSimpleOpenNI.jnilib) from folder SimpleOpenNI/library in MRL(your folder)/libraries/native

Copy folder (NiTE2 and osx) from folder SimpleOpenNI/library in MRL(your folder)/libraries/native

Copy file (SimpleOpenNI.jar) from folder SimpleOpenNI/library in MRL(your folder)/libraries/jar

And it goes

greeting xmike


Hello, could someone explain me, how i could get OpenCvData to my Python Script, like the size of the Box of an detected Object. I tried around with the add.listener think and some oder combinations, but couldn't get the Data to be retreived in the Script so i could use it (for exemple simple printing it).
Im sorry for all the questions i am asking right now, but i am not familiar with such Data Structure and it's difficult for me to read the javadoc thing to get stuff going.
Thanks for your help.

Hi guys, I am new to myrobotlab and i'd like to know if there exists some tutorials to use beside the example scripts.  I'd like to see some sort of lists for some services with commands one can use, what the do and how to use them.
I'd be glad if yomethink like this would exist, especially for more information about the sphinx service.

Thank you guys =)