Ale has recently expressed an interest in the possiblities of identifying images with Google "search by image"

I believe we had talked about this before with the Cortex service, below was an attempt of a a process flow/state diagram

If you look in the Identification / Background Processing & Key Extraction (Pink Block), you'll see google search as one of the stacks of processing.  

So lets see how it did manually.

I took a clip of Gareths Room from his raspi post ...

I could identify a clock ... (how amazing of me :D )
How would google do ?

Assuming it gets clipped and segmented correctly - what did we get from google ?

Now my desk ..

Hmmm ... assuming good isolation / segmentation .. SUCCESS 


Older References :


10 years 2 months ago

Checking the "other" pictures the closest match to the clock was the Ladys face .... maybe a ghost/Elf still living in the mechanism. (the clock is older than the internet...hence no records yet......yet)

I seem to remember a long time back that Google where asking people to actively describe pictures posted, to improve their picture searches.

On one level I do notice that G+ automatically finds faces on posted portraits  and gives you the option to ID that person (....dangerous times, the devil in me would falsely tag the person as someone else )..... or even if the other picture on my wall could be a long lost secret master work that gets found out not by a person but by a WiFied Rasberry Pi.....

All that said picking out essential objects out of a picture stream is very exciting stuff.....


10 years 2 months ago

One of these just flew over the house..... I just love the "Old-Timer" aero_planes ..just had to ID it......

It was flying so slowly that I had time to rush in and grab the camera.

My Original picture :-

and the Google Image Search found :-

My question is why does my picture not have the :-

German Pilot Jumping out of his Junkers JU 52 (JU-AIR) - HB-HOY..

Awesome match dont you think.....