Hi Dom, I found this http://myrobotlab.org/content/pipelining-progress. There are multiple OpenCV processes running at the same time but its really old. I guess GroG or Kwatters are more into the actual state of OpenCV and can tell you how to achieve what you want.
Yes, you can definitely have multiple opencv processes running. One caviot though.
A while back (as a bit of a hack that needs to be cleaned up) I added a video streamer to opencv to support streaming video to the webgui. If you want to start multiple opencv instances up, this video streamer will conflict, so you need to disable it before capturing by running the following line of code before you start capturing from the opencv service.
opencv.streamerEnabled = False
I guess the bigger question is, what are you trying to do ? The Oculus Rift service creates 2 opencv instances, one for the left eye, one for the right eye... but last I checked, the oculus service only worked with the DK2.. (I haven't updated it yet for the CV1 version of the rift.)
Hi Dom, I found
Hi Dom, I found this http://myrobotlab.org/content/pipelining-progress. There are multiple OpenCV processes running at the same time but its really old. I guess GroG or Kwatters are more into the actual state of OpenCV and can tell you how to achieve what you want.
yes you can have multiple opencv instances
Hi Dom,
Yes, you can definitely have multiple opencv processes running. One caviot though.
A while back (as a bit of a hack that needs to be cleaned up) I added a video streamer to opencv to support streaming video to the webgui. If you want to start multiple opencv instances up, this video streamer will conflict, so you need to disable it before capturing by running the following line of code before you start capturing from the opencv service.
opencv.streamerEnabled = False
I guess the bigger question is, what are you trying to do ? The Oculus Rift service creates 2 opencv instances, one for the left eye, one for the right eye... but last I checked, the oculus service only worked with the DK2.. (I haven't updated it yet for the CV1 version of the rift.)
Thank you, I would like make
Thank you,
I would like make face recognizer with left eye and face tracking with right eye.
2 for 1 special
Any reason you don't do tracking and face recognition at the same time on the same camera? You should be able to do both... just add both filters
ah ok, i don't think this
ah ok, i don't think this solutions.
OK i check, thank you Kevin.