Hi All,

I have used SVN extensively and Git only a little, and never from within Eclipse!

About 3years ago I followed the instruction on downloading the latest Git repository and setting up a development environment in Eclipse and I've not updated since - "If it ain't broke - don't fix it"

But as I am probably a little behind, I'd now llike to update my working copy to the latest release - and keep any mods I've made (I could copy these out of the way first I guess).

Could someone give me some short instructions on how to do that please or point me to an already written MyRobotLab article?

Thanks for your time.




6 years 8 months ago

Hi ! This is how you can get the develop branch worky ( actually very WIP )

If it is existing installation

- Delete .myrobotlab directory

1/ Git perspective

Clone develop

1/ Java perspective

- Check your %java_home% is ok inside your system

Select File / Import

And wait a little, hudge download

Have fun !

Thanks moz4r,

So this is basically trashing everything I have and starting again? I wanted to try and be a bit more clever than that...

I tried a "git pull" in the two repositories and after doing a couple of commits on new files everything seemed to be happy, "git status" shows I am "On branch master" "3 commits ahead".

Well after doing all that and moving to Java 1.8, when I try to run the MyRobotLab runtime there are hundreds of errors thrown out by Eclipse!!!!

Maybe I should start again :0(


I deleted my git repository and my Eclipse working space, then tried to follow the quick start instructions http://myrobotlab.org/quick_start. Everything is OK until I try to clone the repository - see below.

I had installed Oracal Java 8, but I then instaled openjdk-8 (and made it active) but this didn't help. I tried adding "sslVerify=False", but still get the ame error. Maybe I should update Eclipse?



Update Eclipse...

Clone repositories in a terminal window and added them into Eclipse workspace...

Still doesnt work!!

Eclipse was still using Java 7, so I set it to 8, Still no runtime :0(

Timeto finish now - will try again tomorrow :0(



getRoot /home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/bin/
manifest is "not" in jar - using file /home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/bin/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Implementation-Title:  Java Runtime Environment
Implementation-Version:  1.8.0_111
Specification-Vendor:  Oracle Corporation
Specification-Title:  Java Platform API Specification
Implementation-Vendor-Id:  com.sun
Extension-Name:  javax.crypto
Specification-Version:  1.8
Created-By:  1.8.0_111 (Oracle Corporation)
Manifest-Version:  1.0
Implementation-Vendor:  N/A
21:24:47.464 [main] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - args []
21:24:47.540 [main] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getMessageSet loading 278 non-sub-routable methods
21:24:47.568 [main] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - cfg file /home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/.myrobotlab/runtime.json does not exist
21:24:47.600 [main] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.repo.Repo - repo.json file not found
21:24:47.602 [main] INFO  c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - try #1 loading local file /home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/.myrobotlab/serviceData.json
21:24:47.603 [main] INFO  c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - could not find /home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/.myrobotlab/serviceData.json
21:24:47.604 [main] INFO  c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - try #2 serviceData.json not found - extracting from /resource/framework/serviceData.json
21:24:47.606 [main] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.io.FileIO - extract([/home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/bin/], [/resource/framework/serviceData.json], [/home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/.myrobotlab/serviceData.json])
21:24:47.607 [main] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.io.FileIO - normalized extract([/home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/bin/], [/resource/framework/serviceData.json], [/home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/.myrobotlab/serviceData.json])
21:24:47.608 [main] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.io.FileIO - copying from /home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/bin/resource/framework/serviceData.json to /home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/.myrobotlab/serviceData.json
21:24:47.608 [main] INFO  c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - could not extract from /resource/framework/serviceData.json
21:24:47.609 [main] INFO  c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - try #3 serviceData.json not found in resource ! - generating and putting it in /home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/bin/resource/framework/serviceData.json
21:24:47.609 [main] INFO  c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - we are not in a jar ... ok I guess we are doing a "refresh" on serviceData.json
21:24:47.610 [main] INFO  c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - ================ generating serviceData.json begin ================
21:24:47.610 [main] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.io.FileIO - findPackageContents root [/home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/bin/], src [org/myrobotlab/service], recurse [false], include [[.*\.class]], exclude [[]]
21:24:47.661 [main] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.io.FileIO - found 340 service files in /home/andrew/git/myrobotlab/bin/
21:24:47.692 [main] INFO  c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - found 340 services
21:24:47.720 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Arduino$Sketch does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:47.729 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Arduino2Test does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:47.739 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.InMoovTest does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:47.761 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.NeoPixelTest does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:47.764 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.PythonProxy$InputQueueThread does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:47.772 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.IntegratedMovement$ObjectPointLocation does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:47.773 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Shoutbox$Shout does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:47.788 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.WebGuiClient$5 does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:47.810 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.TesseractOcr$Environment$LinuxLibC does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:48.442 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.SlamBad$MyRobot does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:48.560 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Arduino$I2CDeviceMap does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:48.769 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.OpenNi$Worker does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:48.783 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Bno055$MagnetometerConfig does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:48.810 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.InMoovEyelids$blinkEyesTimertask does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:48.937 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.PidTest does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:48.953 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.RasPi$GpioPinListener does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:48.968 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.SlamBad$MyEnv does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:49.156 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Pingdar$Point does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:49.450 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Servo$Sweeper does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:49.492 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Bno055$InterruptType does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:49.494 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Pid$PidData does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:49.496 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.RasPi$I2CDeviceMap does not have a static getMetaData method
21:24:49.517 [main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.Gps$1 does not have a static getMetaData method



6 years 8 months ago

Yay - finally got a runtime :)

Still lots of Java errors, is that normal on the Master branch?

Now to try my InMoov script...


Hi Andrew.. Yay ! you got it working ...

These aren't really concerning

[main] ERROR c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - org.myrobotlab.service.RasPi$I2CDeviceMap does not have a static getMetaData method

Its the meta data being dynamically built for each "Service", for some reason its trying to get meta data from inner classes which won't work .. it might be fixed on the develop branch - but its just "noisy" 



So I am getting a similar error to you and I was just wondering how you fixed it. I believe I have downloaded 32 bit and 64 bit java but the libraries still come up missing. Any suggestions?

Sorry I just kept deleteing and upddating till it worked :0(

I'm using Ubuntu 12 64-bit, bit scared to update to 14 or 16 in case it never works again!

Restarting after making changes certainly helped, make sure you select the correct java in Eclipse.
