Hi everybody,

Sweety's printed arms are almost finished, and so i'm starting to modify sweety.java . When trying to start servos, i get this error for each servos : 

error can not create peer from reservedkey sweety.rightShoulderServo - no type definition !

Can i have some help please ?

About the new Sweety, there is a new neck, the claws have been replaced by hands . And there is a new rotation for biceps :D


EDIT : i forgot to say this happend under eclipse and devellop branch.


6 years 10 months ago

Hi Beetlejuice !

Peer stuff has become deprecated in favor of simply starting the desired service like
   servo = Runtime.start("servo","Servo")
And using the "attach pattern" ..  http://myrobotlab.org/content/attach-pattern 

I've refactored all of Sweety in order fit with the future changes, I saw that you modified some things in your latest commit and I hopefully merged everything in correctly.

Also, I saw in your home directory a Sweety.py script, which I copied into the pyrobotlab/service/Sweety.py - and found the service page to have an incorrect url definition.  

All these things have been fixed.  Sweety now has a valid service page http://myrobotlab.org/service/Sweety .. Yay !  

I would welcome you to add references to your videos and blog into the service page.  The "service" page is the one place we try to add all relevant information & references.  If you cannot edit it, I would be glad to give rights so that you may.

I also welcome you to "own" Sweety's service page (pyrobotlab/service/Sweety.py).  Since Sweety is unique, I hope that you abandon your "home/Beetlejuice/Sweety.py" and maintain only /service/Sweety.py.  This is advantageous, because I've added a "virtual" arduino to the script which will be used by auto-testing elves !  Take advantage of the elves !!!

Your errors regarding peers should all go away, let me know if you have any problems or questions.

Yay Sweety !

I Grog,

A big thx for your help :D

I will make some vidéo as soon as possible for the service page. Sweety has a lot change since i'm convert it to a pritable version. I have also to send the files i've already made on the web . Perhaps a day, Swety will be as famous than inmoov ! 

I an waiting for two new servos a bit stronger for the shoulders because arms took weight with the fingers and biceps servo ...

Because of all these change, i've changed the icon in develop -> resources . The head is totally different from the plywood version. I'll make a picture of the progressoin in the day and post it on the service page .

Have a nice day !