Dear sir,
I install fresh copy of Ubuntu and myrobotlab.
but i am getting following problem i couldn't run it after giving command ./ in terminal.
it stucks up at runtime:/#
i am trying to give manual command " getservice webgui Webgui " but no effect.
here attached file.
help me to rectify this problem.
thanks and regards
08:59:52.454 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - runtime info saving runtime.json
08:59:52.455 [runtime.monitor] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - runtime info we cant serialize runtime yet
08:59:52.455 [runtime.monitor] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - clearing hosts environments
08:59:52.456 [runtime.monitor] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - clearing registry
08:59:52.456 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - runtime info saving runtime.json
08:59:52.456 [runtime] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - runtime info shutting down
08:59:52.456 [runtime.monitor] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - removing pid file pids/
08:59:52.456 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - runtime info we cant serialize runtime yet
08:59:52.457 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - clearing hosts environments
getRoot /home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar
jar url jar:file:/home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Implementation-Title: myrobotlab
Implementation-Version: 1.0.2645
Built-By: jenkins
Specification-Vendor: myrobotlab
Specification-Title: You Know, for Creative Machine Control !
Commit: d7ae81c867c14465752cd36b0d856d365e91dcad
Branch: develop
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: org.myrobotlab.service.Agent
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.2
Created-By: 1.8.0_102-b14 (Oracle Corporation)
Specification-Version: 1.0
08:59:53.124 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - agent cmdline ["-service" "python" "Python" "-invoke" "python" "execFile" "./InMoov/" ] will be relayed
08:59:53.139 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - agent args ["-isAgent" "-id" "agent.20171213.085953129.2362" ]
08:59:53.140 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - setLogLevel WARN
[-isAgent, -id, agent.20171213.085953129.2362]
08:59:53.163 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getMessageSet loading 278 non-sub-routable methods
08:59:53.167 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - cfg file /home/sunil/mrl/.myrobotlab/runtime.json does not exist
08:59:53.256 [main] INFO c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - try #1 loading local file /home/sunil/mrl/.myrobotlab/serviceData.json
08:59:53.296 [filemsgscanner.agent.20171213.085953129.2362] INFO c.m.framework.FileMsgScanner - enabling file msgs in msgs
08:59:53.297 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== args begin ==============
08:59:53.299 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - jvmArgs []
08:59:53.299 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - file.encoding UTF-8
08:59:53.300 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - args [-isAgent, -id, agent.20171213.085953129.2362]
08:59:53.300 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== args end ==============
08:59:53.300 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== env begin ==============
08:59:53.303 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
08:59:53.304 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - JAVA_HOME not defined
08:59:53.304 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== env end ==============
08:59:53.304 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== normalized ==============
08:59:53.305 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - 2017/12/13 08:59:53 - GMT - 2017/12/13 03:29:53
08:59:53.305 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - pid 2362
08:59:53.306 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - hostname sunil-thinkpad-e420
08:59:53.306 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ivy [runtime,x86.64.linux]
08:59:53.306 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - version 1.0.2645 branch develop commit d7ae81c867c14465752cd36b0d856d365e91dcad build null
08:59:53.307 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - platform [x86.64.linux}]
08:59:53.307 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - version [1.0.2645]
08:59:53.308 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - root [/home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar]
08:59:53.308 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - cfg dir [/home/sunil/mrl/.myrobotlab]
08:59:53.309 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - [64]
08:59:53.309 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== non-normalized ==============
08:59:53.309 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - [Linux] getOS [linux]
08:59:53.310 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - os.arch [amd64] getArch [x86]
08:59:53.310 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - os.version [4.13.0-17-generic]
08:59:53.310 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - [OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM]
08:59:53.311 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.vm.vendor [Oracle Corporation]
08:59:53.311 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.specification.version [1.8]
08:59:53.311 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - file.encoding [UTF-8]
08:59:53.311 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - Charset.defaultCharset() [UTF-8]
08:59:53.312 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.home [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre]
08:59:53.312 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.class.path [myrobotlab.jar]
08:59:53.312 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.library.path [/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/jni:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/jni:/lib:/usr/lib]
08:59:53.312 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - user.dir [/home/sunil/mrl]
08:59:53.313 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - user.home [/home/sunil]
08:59:53.314 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - total mem [29] Mb
08:59:53.314 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - total free [24] Mb
08:59:53.315 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - total physical mem [1840] Mb
08:59:53.315 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - getting local repo
08:59:53.316 [main] WARN class - resource aleady exists - not extracting
08:59:53.317 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - Runtime.createService cli
08:59:53.321 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getMessageSet loading 170 non-sub-routable methods
08:59:53.339 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - no such method Runtime.registered(Cli) : - attempting upcasting
08:59:53.339 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - searching through 278 methods
08:59:53.341 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - Runtime.createService agent
runtime:/# 08:59:53.343 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getMessageSet loading 194 non-sub-routable methods
08:59:53.349 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - no such method Runtime.registered(Agent) : - attempting upcasting
08:59:53.350 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - searching through 278 methods
08:59:53.350 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - Agent agent Pid 2362 is alive
08:59:53.351 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - I am a jar - must be runtime
08:59:53.353 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - Agent starting spawn 20171213.085953353
08:59:53.353 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - in args [-service, python, Python, -invoke, python, execFile, ./InMoov/]
08:59:53.354 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - total physical memory returned is 1840 Mb
08:59:53.354 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - ============== spawn begin ==============
08:59:53.356 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - spawning -> [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -Djava.library.path=libraries/native -Djna.library.path=libraries/native -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp /home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar:./libraries/jar/jython.jar:./libraries/jar/*:./bin:./build/classes org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime -fromAgent agent.20171213.085953129.2362 -id runtime.20171213.085953356.0 -service python Python -invoke python execFile ./InMoov/ ]
08:59:53.357 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - in /home/sunil/mrl spawning -> [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -Djava.library.path=libraries/native -Djna.library.path=libraries/native -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -cp /home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar:./libraries/jar/jython.jar:./libraries/jar/*:./bin:./build/classes org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime -fromAgent agent.20171213.085953129.2362 -id runtime.20171213.085953356.0 -service python Python -invoke python execFile ./InMoov/ ]
08:59:53.443 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - agent info starting new runtime.20171213.085953356.0 runtime
08:59:53.443 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Agent - Agent finished spawn 20171213.085953443
getRoot /home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar
jar url jar:file:/home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Implementation-Title: myrobotlab
Implementation-Version: 1.0.2645
Built-By: jenkins
Specification-Vendor: myrobotlab
Specification-Title: You Know, for Creative Machine Control !
Commit: d7ae81c867c14465752cd36b0d856d365e91dcad
Branch: develop
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: org.myrobotlab.service.Agent
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.2
Created-By: 1.8.0_102-b14 (Oracle Corporation)
Specification-Version: 1.0
[-fromAgent, agent.20171213.085953129.2362, -id, runtime.20171213.085953356.0, -service, python, Python, -invoke, python, execFile, ./InMoov/]
08:59:54.124 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - args ["-fromAgent" "agent.20171213.085953129.2362" "-id" "runtime.20171213.085953356.0" "-service" "python" "Python" "-invoke" "python" "execFile" "./InMoov/" ]
08:59:54.143 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getMessageSet loading 278 non-sub-routable methods
08:59:54.147 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - cfg file /home/sunil/mrl/.myrobotlab/runtime.json does not exist
08:59:54.214 [main] INFO c.m.framework.repo.ServiceData - try #1 loading local file /home/sunil/mrl/.myrobotlab/serviceData.json
08:59:54.258 [filemsgscanner.runtime.20171213.085953356.0] INFO c.m.framework.FileMsgScanner - enabling file msgs in msgs
08:59:54.258 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== args begin ==============
08:59:54.261 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - jvmArgs [-Djava.library.path=libraries/native, -Djna.library.path=libraries/native, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8]
08:59:54.262 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - file.encoding UTF-8
08:59:54.263 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - args [-fromAgent, agent.20171213.085953129.2362, -id, runtime.20171213.085953356.0, -service, python, Python, -invoke, python, execFile, ./InMoov/]
08:59:54.263 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== args end ==============
08:59:54.263 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== env begin ==============
08:59:54.268 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
08:59:54.270 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - JAVA_HOME not defined
08:59:54.270 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== env end ==============
08:59:54.274 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== normalized ==============
08:59:54.275 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - 2017/12/13 08:59:54 - GMT - 2017/12/13 03:29:54
08:59:54.276 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - pid 2385
08:59:54.276 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - hostname sunil-thinkpad-e420
08:59:54.277 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ivy [runtime,x86.64.linux]
08:59:54.278 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - version 1.0.2645 branch develop commit d7ae81c867c14465752cd36b0d856d365e91dcad build null
08:59:54.279 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - platform [x86.64.linux}]
08:59:54.280 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - version [1.0.2645]
08:59:54.280 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - root [/home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar]
08:59:54.280 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - cfg dir [/home/sunil/mrl/.myrobotlab]
08:59:54.281 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - [64]
08:59:54.281 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - ============== non-normalized ==============
08:59:54.281 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - [Linux] getOS [linux]
08:59:54.281 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - os.arch [amd64] getArch [x86]
08:59:54.282 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - os.version [4.13.0-17-generic]
08:59:54.282 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - [OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM]
08:59:54.282 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.vm.vendor [Oracle Corporation]
08:59:54.282 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.specification.version [1.8]
08:59:54.283 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - file.encoding [UTF-8]
08:59:54.283 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - Charset.defaultCharset() [UTF-8]
08:59:54.283 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.home [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre]
08:59:54.283 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.class.path [/home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar:./libraries/jar/jython.jar:./libraries/jar/BoofCV-io-0.23.jar:./libraries/jar/jna-4.2.0.jar:./libraries/jar/nifty-default-controls.jar:./libraries/jar/commons-logging-1.2.jar:./libraries/jar/marytts-lang-en-5.2.jar:./libraries/jar/jsapi-1.0-base.jar:./libraries/jar/dsn.jar:./libraries/jar/tess4j.jar:./libraries/jar/opencv-linux-x86.jar:./libraries/jar/hamcrest-all-1.3.jar:./libraries/jar/annotations-2.0.1.jar:./libraries/jar/opencsv-2.3.jar:./libraries/jar/jogl-all.jar:./libraries/jar/openblas-0.2.19-1.3.jar:./libraries/jar/marytts-builder-5.2.jar:./libraries/jar/imageio-core-3.1.1.jar:./libraries/jar/commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar:./libraries/jar/openblas-platform-0.2.19-1.3.jar:./libraries/jar/cron4j-2.2.5.jar:./libraries/jar/tags.jar:./libraries/jar/ChessBoard.jar:./libraries/jar/google-api-services-vision-v1-rev16-1.22.0.jar:./libraries/jar/guava-14.0.1.jar:./libraries/jar/log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.25.jar:./libraries/jar/jna-4.1.0.jar:./libraries/jar/ffmpeg-android-arm.jar:./libraries/jar/jME3-lwjgl-natives.jar:./libraries/jar/datavec-api-0.8.0.jar:./libraries/jar/guava-17.0.jar:./libraries/jar/mp3spi1.9.5.jar:./libraries/jar/nodyn-0.1.1-20141121.193443-283.jar:./libraries/jar/xstream.jar:./libraries/jar/jbullet.jar:./libraries/jar/georegression-0.10.jar:./libraries/jar/java-diff-1.1.jar:./libraries/jar/stax2-api-3.1.4.jar:./libraries/jar/jME3-bullet-natives-android.jar:./libraries/jar/wiiusej.jar:./libraries/jar/marytts-runtime-5.2.jar:./libraries/jar/jME3-ios.jar:./libraries/jar/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:./libraries/jar/wdtk-datamodel-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:./libraries/jar/mailapi.jar:./libraries/jar/flycapture-linux-x86_64.jar:./libraries/jar/jovr-]
08:59:54.284 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - java.library.path [libraries/native]
08:59:54.284 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - user.dir [/home/sunil/mrl]
08:59:54.284 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - user.home [/home/sunil]
08:59:54.285 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - total mem [29] Mb
08:59:54.286 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - total free [18] Mb
08:59:54.286 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - total physical mem [1840] Mb
08:59:54.286 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - getting local repo
08:59:54.296 [main] WARN class - resource aleady exists - not extracting
08:59:54.297 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - Runtime.createService cli
08:59:54.301 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getMessageSet loading 170 non-sub-routable methods
08:59:54.318 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - no such method Runtime.registered(Cli) : - attempting upcasting
08:59:54.319 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - searching through 278 methods
runtime:/# 08:59:54.321 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - createAndStartServices service count 1
08:59:54.322 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - attempting to invoke : org.myrobotlab.service.Python named python
08:59:54.324 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - Runtime.createService python
08:59:54.407 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getMessageSet loading 181 non-sub-routable methods
08:59:54.409 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - cfg file /home/sunil/mrl/.myrobotlab/python.json does not exist
08:59:54.410 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - no such method Runtime.registered(Python) : - attempting upcasting
08:59:54.411 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - searching through 278 methods
08:59:54.429 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - creating python python
08:59:54.430 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - exec(String)
from time import sleep
from org.myrobotlab.service import Runtime
from org.myrobotlab.service import Cli
cli = Runtime.getService("cli")
from org.myrobotlab.service import Python
python = Runtime.getService("python")
from org.myrobotlab.service import Runtime
runtime = Runtime.getService("runtime")
08:59:55.427 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - Python System Path: ['/home/sunil/mrl/libraries/jar/Lib', '/home/sunil/mrl/myrobotlab.jar/Lib', '__classpath__', '__pyclasspath__/', 'pythonModules']
08:59:56.530 [main] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscribe [runtime/registered ---> python/onRegistered]
08:59:56.531 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - created python python
08:59:56.532 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - creating module directory pythonModules
08:59:56.561 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - starting python python
08:59:56.562 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - started python python
08:59:56.564 [main] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - attempting to invoke : python.execFile(./InMoov/ )
08:59:56.573 [python] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - exec(String)
## ___Â Â ________Â Â Â _____Â ______Â Â Â ________Â Â ________Â Â ___Â Â Â Â Â Â ___Â
## |\Â Â \|\Â Â Â ___Â Â \|\Â Â Â _Â \Â Â _Â Â Â \|\Â Â Â __Â Â \|\Â Â Â __Â Â \|\Â Â \Â Â Â Â /Â Â /|
## \Â \Â Â \Â \Â Â \\Â \Â Â \Â \Â Â \\\__\Â \Â Â \Â \Â Â \|\Â Â \Â \Â Â \|\Â Â \Â \Â Â \Â Â /Â Â /Â /
## \Â \Â Â \Â \Â Â \\Â \Â Â \Â \Â Â \\|__|Â \Â Â \Â \Â Â \\\Â Â \Â \Â Â \\\Â Â \Â \Â Â \/Â Â /Â /Â
## \Â \Â Â \Â \Â Â \\Â \Â Â \Â \Â Â \Â Â Â Â \Â \Â Â \Â \Â Â \\\Â Â \Â \Â Â \\\Â Â \Â \Â Â Â Â /Â /Â Â
## \Â \__\Â \__\\Â \__\Â \__\Â Â Â Â \Â \__\Â \_______\Â \_______\Â \__/Â /Â Â Â
## \|__|\|__|Â \|__|\|__|Â Â Â Â Â \|__|\|_______|\|_______|\|__|/ OS - [wip]
# this will run with versions of MRL above :
# ###################################################################################
# This is a very minimal script for Inmoov
# ( also called FINGERSTARTER : A legend tells that when Inmoov came to life he did not shout, but moved a finger first )
# although this script is very short you can still
# do voice control of a finger starter
# It uses WebkitSpeechRecognition, so you need to use Chrome as your default browser for this script to work
# The Finger Starter is considered here to be right index,
# so make sure your servo is connected to pin3 of you Arduino
# check your configuration inside Inmoov.config
# If you setup 2 arduino + configs in skeleton folder, it can run full Inmoov or separated parts ( right hand / head ... )
# ###################################################################################
# Main inmoov service declaration
i01 = Runtime.createAndStart("i01", "InMoov")
# robot checkup and initialisation ( skeleton & services)
# ###################################################################################
# Go further you can find more vocal commands into inmoovVocal/ear.addCommand
# Go further you can find more associated functions into inmoovGestures
# ###################################################################################
ear.addCommand("attach your finger", "i01.rightHand.index", "attach") #to remove soon
ear.addCommand("disconnect your finger", "i01.rightHand.index", "detach")
ear.addCommand("open your finger", "python", "fingeropen")
ear.addCommand("close your finger", "python", "fingerclose")
ear.addCommand("finger to the middle", "python", "fingermiddle")
# functions called by the vocal commands
def fingeropen():
talkBlocking("ok I open my finger")
def fingerclose():
talkBlocking("my finger is closed")
def fingermiddle():
talkBlocking("ok you have my attention")
#Go more further ! and code your own script in this file
08:59:56.690 [python.interpreter.2] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - Runtime.createService i01
08:59:56.776 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getMessageSet loading 292 non-sub-routable methods
08:59:56.991 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - cfg file /home/sunil/mrl/.myrobotlab/i01.json does not exist
08:59:56.993 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - no such method Runtime.registered(InMoov) : - attempting upcasting
08:59:56.993 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - searching through 278 methods
08:59:56.994 [python] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - no such method Python.onRegistered(InMoov) : - attempting upcasting
08:59:56.995 [python] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - searching through 181 methods
08:59:56.995 [python] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import InMoov
i01 = Runtime.getService("i01")
08:59:56.998 [python.interpreter.2] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - Runtime.createService python
08:59:56.999 [python.interpreter.2] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - starting python python
08:59:56.999 [python.interpreter.2] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - started python python
08:59:57.236 [python.interpreter.2] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - Runtime.createService subconsciousMouth
08:59:57.239 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getMessageSet loading 180 non-sub-routable methods
08:59:57.241 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - cfg file /home/sunil/mrl/.myrobotlab/subconsciousMouth.json does not exist
08:59:57.242 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - no such method Runtime.registered(MarySpeech) : - attempting upcasting
08:59:57.243 [python.interpreter.2] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - searching through 278 methods
08:59:57.245 [python] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - no such method Python.onRegistered(MarySpeech) : - attempting upcasting
08:59:57.245 [python] INFO c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - searching through 181 methods
08:59:57.245 [python] INFO class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import MarySpeech
subconsciousMouth = Runtime.getService("subconsciousMouth")
08:59:57.448 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.main - Mary starting up...
08:59:57.464 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.main - Specification version 5.2
08:59:57.465 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.main - Implementation version unknown
08:59:57.465 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.main - Running on a Java 1.8.0_151 implementation by Oracle Corporation, on a Linux platform (amd64, 4.13.0-17-generic)
08:59:57.918 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.language.en.JTokeniser'
08:59:57.924 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.language.en.Preprocess'
08:59:58.405 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.JPhonemiser(en_US.)'
08:59:58.407 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - User dictionary 'mary/user-dictionaries/userdict-en_US.txt' for locale 'en_US' does not exist. Ignoring.
08:59:58.491 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.JPhonemiser(en_GB.)'
08:59:58.491 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - User dictionary 'mary/user-dictionaries/userdict-en_GB.txt' for locale 'en_GB' does not exist. Ignoring.
08:59:58.545 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.language.en.Prosody'
08:59:58.551 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.SimplePhoneme2AP(en_US)'
08:59:58.554 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.language.en.PronunciationModel'
08:59:58.558 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.OpenNLPPosTagger(en,en.pos)'
08:59:58.562 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.Synthesis'
08:59:58.572 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.TextToMaryXML'
08:59:58.574 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.SableParser'
08:59:58.576 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.SSMLParser'
08:59:58.577 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.APMLParser'
08:59:58.579 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.EmotionmlParser'
08:59:58.580 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.JTokeniser'
08:59:58.581 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.DummyTokens2Words'
08:59:58.582 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric'
08:59:58.583 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.PronunciationModel'
08:59:58.584 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.TargetFeatureLister'
08:59:58.586 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.HalfPhoneTargetFeatureLister'
08:59:58.588 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.AcousticModeller'
08:59:58.594 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.RealisedAcoustparamsExtractor'
08:59:58.597 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.RealisedDurationsExtractor'
08:59:58.599 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.HTSEngine'
08:59:58.603 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.PraatTextGridGenerator'
08:59:58.610 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:58.635 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:58.670 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.MinimalisticPosTagger(fr,fr.)'
08:59:58.672 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.JPhonemiser(sv.)'
08:59:58.674 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - User dictionary 'mary/user-dictionaries/userdict-sv.txt' for locale 'sv' does not exist. Ignoring.
08:59:58.695 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.MinimalisticPosTagger(sv,sv.)'
08:59:58.696 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.813 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.855 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.859 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - User dictionary 'mary/user-dictionaries/userdict-lb.txt' for locale 'lb' does not exist. Ignoring.
08:59:59.932 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.934 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.940 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.JPhonemiser(it.)'
08:59:59.974 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.OpenNLPPosTagger(it,it.pos)'
08:59:59.975 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.978 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.980 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.982 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.987 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.OpenNLPPosTagger(de,de.pos)'
08:59:59.988 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
08:59:59.991 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser_de - User dictionary 'mary/user-dictionaries/userdict-de.txt' for locale 'de' does not exist. Ignoring.
09:00:00.008 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
09:00:00.010 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
09:00:00.012 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.SimplePhoneme2AP(de)'
09:00:00.014 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module ''
09:00:00.016 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.DummyTokens2Words'
09:00:00.017 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.JPhonemiser(ru.)'
09:00:00.018 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - User dictionary 'mary/user-dictionaries/userdict-ru.txt' for locale 'ru' does not exist. Ignoring.
09:00:00.024 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric'
09:00:00.026 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.MinimalisticPosTagger(ru,ru)'
09:00:00.027 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.language.te.JTokeniser'
09:00:00.029 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.DummyTokens2Words'
09:00:00.030 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.language.te.JPhonemiser(te.)'
09:00:00.033 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - User dictionary 'mary/user-dictionaries/userdict-te.txt' for locale 'te' does not exist. Ignoring.
09:00:00.039 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.ProsodyGeneric'
09:00:00.044 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.MinimalisticPosTagger(te,te)'
09:00:00.045 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.JPhonemiser(tr.)'
09:00:00.068 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ModuleRegistry - Now initiating mary module 'marytts.modules.MinimalisticPosTagger(tr,tr.)'
09:00:00.074 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JTokeniser - Module started (RAWMARYXML->TOKENS, locale en).
09:00:00.091 [python.interpreter.2] INFO - loading language resources for en from jtok/en
09:00:00.148 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JTokeniser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:00.166 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JTokeniser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:00.166 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Module started (TOKENS->WORDS, locale en).
09:00:00.167 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:00.168 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:00.168 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Module started (PARTSOFSPEECH->PHONEMES, locale en_US).
09:00:00.169 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:00.170 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:00.171 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Module started (PARTSOFSPEECH->PHONEMES, locale en_GB).
09:00:00.171 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:00.172 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:00.197 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Prosody - Module started (PHONEMES->INTONATION, locale en).
09:00:00.198 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Prosody - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:00.199 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Prosody - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:00.203 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.SimplePhoneme2AP - Module started (SIMPLEPHONEMES->ACOUSTPARAMS, locale en_US).
09:00:00.205 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.SimplePhoneme2AP - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:00.234 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.SimplePhoneme2AP - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:00.235 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PronunciationModel - Module started (INTONATION->ALLOPHONES, locale en).
09:00:00.236 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PronunciationModel - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:00.239 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PronunciationModel - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:00.240 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Module started (WORDS->PARTSOFSPEECH, locale en).
09:00:01.663 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:01.665 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:01.698 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.UnitSelectionSynthesizer - started.
09:00:01.701 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.TargetFeatureLister - Module started (ACOUSTPARAMS->TARGETFEATURES, locale null).
09:00:01.701 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HTSEngine - Module started (TARGETFEATURES->AUDIO, locale null).
09:00:01.761 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HMMData - Loading Tree Set in CARTs:
09:00:01.871 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HMMData - Loading GV Model Set:
09:00:02.123 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Voice - Registering voice `cmu-slt-hsmm': female, locale en_US
09:00:02.124 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Voice - New default voice for locale en_US: cmu-slt-hsmm (desire 0)
09:00:02.131 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HMMData - Loading Tree Set in CARTs:
09:00:02.269 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HMMData - Loading GV Model Set:
09:00:02.377 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Voice - Registering voice `cmu-bdl-hsmm': male, locale en_US
09:00:02.377 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HMMSynthesizer - started.
09:00:02.378 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Synthesis - Module started (ACOUSTPARAMS->AUDIO, locale null).
09:00:02.378 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HMMSynthesizer - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:02.398 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HTSEngine - Using prosody from acoustparams.
09:00:02.401 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HTSEngine - Number of models in sentence numModel=7 Total number of states numState=35
09:00:02.401 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HTSEngine - Total number of frames=147 Number of voiced frames=89
09:00:02.411 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ParameterGeneration - Parameter generation for MGC:
09:00:02.412 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Context-dependent global variance optimization: gvLength = 107
09:00:02.418 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (0) number of iterations=23
09:00:02.430 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (1) number of iterations=54
09:00:02.436 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (2) number of iterations=38
09:00:02.438 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (3) number of iterations=20
09:00:02.440 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (4) number of iterations=13
09:00:02.443 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (5) number of iterations=21
09:00:02.446 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (6) number of iterations=7
09:00:02.448 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (7) number of iterations=4
09:00:02.450 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (8) number of iterations=11
09:00:02.453 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (9) number of iterations=19
09:00:02.454 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (10) number of iterations=16
09:00:02.456 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (11) number of iterations=9
09:00:02.457 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (12) number of iterations=2
09:00:02.458 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (13) number of iterations=13
09:00:02.459 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (14) number of iterations=12
09:00:02.460 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (15) number of iterations=14
09:00:02.461 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (16) number of iterations=15
09:00:02.463 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (17) number of iterations=14
09:00:02.465 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (18) number of iterations=19
09:00:02.466 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (19) number of iterations=12
09:00:02.468 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (20) number of iterations=17
09:00:02.471 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (21) number of iterations=23
09:00:02.478 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (22) number of iterations=12
09:00:02.481 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (23) number of iterations=18
09:00:02.483 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (24) number of iterations=12
09:00:02.485 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (25) number of iterations=11
09:00:02.487 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (26) number of iterations=13
09:00:02.489 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (27) number of iterations=9
09:00:02.490 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (28) number of iterations=13
09:00:02.492 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (29) number of iterations=8
09:00:02.494 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (30) number of iterations=11
09:00:02.497 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (31) number of iterations=12
09:00:02.498 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (32) number of iterations=7
09:00:02.500 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (33) number of iterations=8
09:00:02.502 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (34) number of iterations=12
09:00:02.502 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.ParameterGeneration - Using f0 from maryXML acoustparams
09:00:02.503 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Context-dependent global variance optimization: gvLength = 107
09:00:02.504 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (0) number of iterations=16
09:00:02.505 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (1) number of iterations=2
09:00:02.505 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (2) number of iterations=2
09:00:02.507 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (3) number of iterations=8
09:00:02.509 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PStream - Gradient GV optimization for feature: (4) number of iterations=26
09:00:02.561 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.HMMSynthesizer - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:02.564 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.TextToMaryXML - Module started (TEXT->RAWMARYXML, locale null).
09:00:02.565 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.TextToMaryXML - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:02.566 [python.interpreter.2] WARN marytts.TextToMaryXML - Locale is null, overriding with en_IN
09:00:02.567 [python.interpreter.2] WARN marytts.TextToMaryXML - Locale is null, overriding with en_IN
09:00:02.568 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.TextToMaryXML - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.220 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.SableParser - Module started (SABLE->RAWMARYXML, locale null).
09:00:03.221 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.SableParser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.223 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.SableParser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.349 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.SSMLParser - Module started (SSML->RAWMARYXML, locale null).
09:00:03.350 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.SSMLParser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.351 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.SSMLParser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.443 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.APMLParser - Module started (APML->RAWMARYXML, locale null).
09:00:03.444 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.APMLParser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.445 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.APMLParser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.505 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.EmotionmlParser - Module started (EMOTIONML->RAWMARYXML, locale null).
09:00:03.506 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.EmotionmlParser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.508 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.EmotionmlParser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.509 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JTokeniser - Module started (RAWMARYXML->TOKENS, locale null).
09:00:03.510 [python.interpreter.2] INFO - loading language resources for en from jtok/en
09:00:03.621 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JTokeniser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.622 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JTokeniser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.622 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.DummyTokens2Words - Module started (TOKENS->WORDS, locale null).
09:00:03.623 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.DummyTokens2Words - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.623 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.DummyTokens2Words - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.629 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Prosody - Module started (PHONEMES->INTONATION, locale null).
09:00:03.630 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Prosody - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.631 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Prosody - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.633 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PronunciationModel - Module started (INTONATION->ALLOPHONES, locale null).
09:00:03.634 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PronunciationModel - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.636 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PronunciationModel - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.637 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.TargetFeatureLister - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.638 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.TargetFeatureLister - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.639 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.TargetFeatureLister - Module started (ACOUSTPARAMS->HALFPHONE_TARGETFEATURES, locale null).
09:00:03.639 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.TargetFeatureLister - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.640 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.TargetFeatureLister - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.641 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.AcousticModeller - Module started (ALLOPHONES->ACOUSTPARAMS, locale null).
09:00:03.642 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.AcousticModeller - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.643 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.AcousticModeller - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.643 [python.interpreter.2] INFO m.Realised acoustparams extractor - Module started (AUDIO->REALISED_ACOUSTPARAMS, locale null).
09:00:03.644 [python.interpreter.2] INFO m.Realised acoustparams extractor - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.645 [python.interpreter.2] INFO m.Realised acoustparams extractor - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.645 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Realised durations extractor - Module started (AUDIO->REALISED_DURATIONS, locale null).
09:00:03.645 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Realised durations extractor - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.646 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Realised durations extractor - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.647 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Praat TextGrid generator - Module started (REALISED_ACOUSTPARAMS->PRAAT_TEXTGRID, locale null).
09:00:03.647 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Praat TextGrid generator - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.649 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Praat TextGrid generator - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.649 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Module started (PARTSOFSPEECH->PHONEMES, locale fr).
09:00:03.650 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.651 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.652 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Module started (TOKENS->WORDS, locale fr).
09:00:03.652 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.656 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.656 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Module started (WORDS->PARTSOFSPEECH, locale fr).
09:00:03.657 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.659 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.660 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Module started (PARTSOFSPEECH->PHONEMES, locale sv).
09:00:03.661 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.662 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.662 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Module started (WORDS->PARTSOFSPEECH, locale sv).
09:00:03.663 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:03.665 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:03.665 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.LuxembourgishPreprocess - Module started (TOKENS->WORDS, locale lb).
09:00:03.665 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.LuxembourgishPreprocess - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:04.807 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.LuxembourgishPreprocess - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:04.816 [python.interpreter.2] INFO - Module started (WORDS -> PARTSOFSPEECH, locale lb).
09:00:04.843 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:04.844 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:04.845 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Module started (PARTSOFSPEECH->PHONEMES, locale lb).
09:00:04.846 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:04.847 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:04.847 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JTokeniser - Module started (RAWMARYXML->TOKENS, locale it).
09:00:04.848 [python.interpreter.2] INFO - loading language resources for it from jtok/it
09:00:04.876 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JTokeniser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:04.883 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JTokeniser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:04.884 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Module started (TOKENS->WORDS, locale it).
09:00:04.886 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:04.888 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Expanding say-as elements...
09:00:04.906 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Matching and expanding patterns...
09:00:04.928 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Done.
09:00:04.929 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Preprocess - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:04.929 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Module started (PARTSOFSPEECH->PHONEMES, locale it).
09:00:04.930 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:04.932 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.JPhonemiser - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:04.933 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Module started (WORDS->PARTSOFSPEECH, locale it).
09:00:05.044 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:05.046 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.OpenNLPPosTagger - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:05.051 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Prosody - Module started (PHONEMES->INTONATION, locale it).
09:00:05.052 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Prosody - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:05.053 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.Prosody - Power-on self test complete.
09:00:05.054 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PronunciationModel - Module started (INTONATION->ALLOPHONES, locale it).
09:00:05.054 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PronunciationModel - Starting power-on self test.
09:00:05.055 [python.interpreter.2] INFO marytts.PronunciationModel - Power-on self test compl
Hi Sunilskar, In the future
Hi Sunilskar,
In the future please submit a noWorky instead of copy/paste to a blog…
It easier for us both.
runtime:/# is the command prompt for the mrl command line interface, so it "is" running, so I'm confused as to what your expecting.
If your starting mrl up through a ssh session, you won't get any gui, or virtual inmoov, or browser, because the ssh session doesn't support it.
I think we need more information regarding "what you expect to happen" and more information regarding "you specific setup - eg. how many computers, are you working with a ssh session, do you have a desktop for ubuntu, etc."
Hi GroG Sir, first of all
Hi GroG Sir,
first of all sorry for copy paste. i am new for linux os. And all installation done as per the instruction on myrobotlab web site.
Tell me how can i start all services in browser like windows in ubuntu.
Right now i am loaded ubuntu on desktop system. if it work fine then i am going for single chip pc with linux.
If i am getting runtime:/# menace installation part is ok. now how can i run in webgui in ubuntu like windows.
thanks in advance.
Hello Sunilskar, Once
Hello Sunilskar,
Once you're at the runtime:/# prompt, you can execute almost any method you want, including the startService method. To do so, though, requires converting the method into a URL, with the service first, method name second, and parameters after, each separated by a slash (/). For example:
runtime:/# /runtime/createAndStart/webgui/WebGui
This command should start the webgui for you. If you want to have this to start by default, you'll have to edit the script to pass the arguments to the actual MRL program. Tacking on arguments to won't do anything since they aren't forwarded to MRL. Alternatively, you can edit your Inmoov configuration files to automatically start the webgui. I'm not exactly sure where such files are at, I'm not at home right now, but they should be in the Inmoov folder, maybe in system or services...
Hope that helps!
Hello sir, I tried all
Hello sir,
I tried all combination but i am not getting the console which i get in windows platform.
pls. help me to run myrobotlab software on ubuntu.
is there any video available for the same.