Thanks to help of Ray Edgley I publish the 14A continuous (30A peak) analog and digital motor driver. Project is designed mostly for myrobotlab users but it may be used by other peoples. Driver can not be produced and selled 

This is not the final version but is fully working with AM and SSM mode.

I think the PCB is the final version, its fully fit to VNH2SP30 shield.

One driver can controll 2 motors 14A each, max Voltage is 16V!.

This Driver have 2 mode of control, AM (analog mode) and SSM (servo signal mode) , in plans is third mode by I2C.

In analog mode AM driver control the motor by 0-5V signal to REF inputs, the POT inputs are for measure the motor position and set it to REF position.


In servo signal mode SSM driver control the motor by the input servo signal from 0.9ms to 2.4ms in 20ms loop connected to REF input. Motor position is controled by POT input like in analog mode.


To chose the mode simply put the jumper in control pins. If the jumper is with +5V the control will be SSM, if the jumper is to gnd then will be AM. The third option will be with no jumper.

Driver has many option like END SWITCH secure, if one of the POT input is connected GND the driver stops on actually position, this work in both of mode.
In SSM mode you may activate/deactivate driver output simply by attach or detach in myrobotlab or unpin POT connection.

Thanks to RAY Edgley Driver have PID regulation thanks to this driver may be set as need, but be carefull changing settings this may results in the driver not being able to control it.

Driver have also Deadband control, this alows the control of positioning accuracy.





Files is in free Cadsoft Eagle

List of parts:

 - Attiny44 or Attiny84

 - 7805 Voltage regulator

 - 2 x 100nF capacitor

 - 10K resistor

 -  2 x 1K resistor

and... VNH2SP30 dual shield for 2 motors controll

AM - mode

SSM - mode


EAGLE FILES <- download


'name                     : servo DIY Driver
'copyright                : Bartosz Scencelek Bartcam
'soft                     : Ray Edgley & Bartosz Scencelek
'micro                    : attiny44
'commercial use           : no
$regfile = "attiny44.dat"                                   ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 8000000                                          ' used crystal frequency
'The following is just pinout information
'Port      Pin     Function Used
'PB0       2       Output     Motor 1 Fwd
'PB1       3       Output     Motor 1 Rev
'PB2       5       OC0A       PWM Motor 1
'PB3       4       Reset
'PA0       13      Output     Motor 2 Rev
'PA1       12      ADC1       Motor 1 Position
'PA2       11      ACD2       Motor 2 Position
'PA3       10      Output     Motor 2 Fwd
'PA4       9       SCL/Ref1   I2C Communications
'PA5       8       Input      Control Mode
'PA6       7       SDA/Ref2   I2C Communications
'PA7       6       OC0B       PWM Motor 2
' Just a note on the Control Mode
' When set to VCC we will use the PA4 and PA6
' as I2C communications
' When set to Gnd    We will use the PA4 and PA6
' as PWM inputs for Ref1 and Ref2
' When set to 2.5V or ADC 512 we will use PA4 and PA6
' as Analog inputs for Ref1 and Ref2
Dim Pot1 As Single                                          'Current Average position value Motor 1
Dim Pot2 As Single                                          'Current Average position value Motor 2
Dim Ref1 As Single                                          'Motor 1 Target Position
Dim Ref2 As Single                                          'Motor 2 Target Position
Dim Refcount1 As Word
Dim Refcount2 As Word
Dim Err1 As Single
Dim Err2 As Single
Dim Integral1 As Single
Dim Integral2 As Single
Dim Derivative1 As Single
Dim Derivative2 As Single
Dim Preverr1 As Single
Dim Preverr2 As Single
Dim Output1 As Single
Dim Output2 As Single
Dim Kp1 As Single
Dim Ki1 As Single
Dim Kd1 As Single
Dim Kp2 As Single
Dim Ki2 As Single
Dim Kd2 As Single
Dim Deadband1 As Single                                     'Motor 1 DeadBand
Dim Deadband2 As Single                                     'Motor 2 DeadBand
Dim Filter As Single                                        'Filtering Value
Dim Filter2 As Single
Dim Temp2 As Single
Dim Temp3 As Word
Dim Dt As Single
Dim Controltype As Bit
Dim Pwm_control As Byte
Config Portb.0 = Output                                     'Motor1 Fwd
Config Portb.1 = Output                                     'Motor1 Rev
Config Portb.2 = Output                                     'Motor1 PWM
Config Porta.0 = Output                                     'Motor2 Rev
Config Porta.3 = Output                                     'Motor2 Fwd
Config Porta.7 = Output                                     'Motor2 PWM
Config Porta.5 = Input                                      'input Mode "Cotrol"
Config Porta.2 = Input
Config Porta.1 = Input
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = 2
Config Timer0 = Pwm , Compare_a_pwm = Clear_up , Compare_b_pwm = Clear_up , Prescale = 1
Config Timer1 = Timer , Compare_a = Disconnect , Compare_b = Disconnect , Prescale = 8
Controltype = Porta.5
'****if you want to use only one mode set controltype below****
' Controltype = 1
' Controltype = 0
Enable Interrupts
On Pcint0 Chint Save
On Oc1a Pwmint Save
If Controltype = 1 Then                                     'This section for PWM Input
   Enable Pcint0
   Pcmsk0 = &B01010000                                      'pin4 and pin6 as int
   Set Pcie0
   Enable Oc1a
   Start Timer1
   Tcnt1 = 0
   Pwm_control = 0
   Set Pcint4
   Set Pcint6
End If
Ocr0b = 0                                                   'Motor1 Power
Ocr0a = 0                                                   'Motor2 Power
' the OCR1A (Output Compare Register 1 A) is used to generate an interruput every
' 20 mS which is the pulse period of most PWM controlled servos.
' Since this controller will be working as a servo driver, we need to use
' the same timings.
' 20mS periods occure 50 times per second
' With a system clock of 8000000 cycles persecond, 160000 cycles will elapse each period.
' Timer/Counter 1 can coun up to 65535 before it over runs, so we need to use a prescaler
' of at least 2.441 times. This of course does not exist, so the next lowest available
' is 8 time. Soo if we take 8000000/8 gives us 1000000. we divide that by our 50 times
' per second, we get 20000, which is below the max of 65535, so we set the OCR1A to 20000
' if a PWM pulse exceeds the 20 mS, then we will set the ref to the current pos.
Ocr1a = 20000                                               'PWM input Timer
Reset Portb.0                                               'Motor1 Fwd
Reset Portb.1                                               'Motor1 Rev
Reset Porta.0                                               'Motor2 Rev
Reset Porta.3                                               'Motor2 Fwd
Start Timer0                                                'PWM Output Timer
Ref1 = 512
Ref2 = 512
Integral1 = 0
Integral2 = 0
Kp1 = 1.0                                                   'power force at distance
Ki1 = 0.4                                                   'power step in reaction time
Kd1 = 0.001                                                 'reaction time (higher faster)
Kp2 = 1.5                                                   'power force at distance
Ki2 = 0.5                                                   'power step in reaction time
Kd2 = 0.02                                                  'reaction time (higher faster)
Deadband1 = 10
Deadband2 = 10
Filter = 5                                                  ' Set the filter to 5 Cycles
Filter2 = 6
Dt = 0.00173
Waitms 200
'*************** Motor Feed Back with Filtering *************
' By taking the existing pot value and multiplying it by Filter
' then adding the raw pot value and deviding the total by Filter + 1
' We end up with a sudo average taken over filter cycles through the program
' The best part of this method of averaging is it is fast and doen't
' used much memory, the down side is it can take a long time for the average
' to match the raw when the raw is not moving.
    Temp3 = Getadc(1)
    Temp2 = Temp3
    Pot1 = Pot1 * Filter
    Pot1 = Pot1 + Temp2
    Pot1 = Pot1 / Filter2
    Temp3 = Getadc(2)
    Temp2 = Temp3
    Pot2 = Pot2 * Filter
    Pot2 = Pot2 + Temp2
    Pot2 = Pot2 / Filter2
' Control Method 2 Analog input control.
    If Controltype = 0 Then                                 ' Analog Input Control
         Temp3 = Getadc(4)
         Temp2 = Temp3
         Ref1 = Ref1 * Filter
         Ref1 = Ref1 + Temp2
         Ref1 = Ref1 / Filter2
         Temp3 = Getadc(6)
         Temp2 = Temp3
         Ref2 = Ref2 * Filter
         Ref2 = Ref2 + Temp2
         Ref2 = Ref2 / Filter2
    Else                                                    ' PWM input Control
         If Refcount1 < 19264 And Refcount1 > 17280 Then
          Temp3 = 19264 - Refcount1
          Temp3 = Temp3 / 1.6
          Ref1 = Ref1 * Filter
          Ref1 = Ref1 + Temp3
          Ref1 = Ref1 / Filter2
          Ref1 = Pot1
         End If
         If Refcount2 < 19264 And Refcount2 > 17280 Then
          Temp3 = 19264 - Refcount2
          Temp3 = Temp3 / 1.6
          Ref2 = Ref2 * Filter
          Ref2 = Ref2 + Temp3
          Ref2 = Ref2 / Filter2
          Ref2 = Pot2
         End If
    End If
' PID Loop to calculate the output value from the Input Error
    Err1 = Ref1 - Pot1
    Temp2 = Err1 * Dt
    Integral1 = Integral1 + Temp2
    Temp2 = Err1 - Preverr1
    Temp2 = Preverr1 + Err1
    Derivative1 = Temp2 / Dt
    Derivative1 = Derivative1 * Kd1
    Temp2 = Integral1 * Ki1
    Output1 = Kp1 * Err1
    Output1 = Output1 + Temp2
    Output1 = Output1 + Derivative1
    Preverr1 = Err1
    If Err1 = 0 Then Output1 = 0                            'end switch to GND stop
    If Output1 > 255 Then
         Output1 = 255
    Elseif Output1 < -255 Then
         Output1 = -255
    End If
    Err2 = Ref2 - Pot2
    Temp2 = Err2 * Dt
    Integral2 = Integral2 + Temp2
    Temp2 = Err2 - Preverr2
    Derivative2 = Temp2 / Dt
    Derivative2 = Derivative2 * Kd2
    Temp2 = Integral2 * Ki2
    Output2 = Kp2 * Err2
    Output2 = Output2 + Temp2
    Output2 = Output2 + Derivative2
    Preverr2 = Err2
    If Err2 = 0 Then Output2 = 0                            'end switch to GND stop
    If Output2 > 255 Then
         Output2 = 255
    Elseif Output2 < -255 Then
         Output2 = -255
    End If
' Drive the Motor Output and PWM signal.
    If Output1 > Deadband1 Then                             ' Is the motor to far along
         Set Portb.0                                        ' Turn on the Fwd output
         Reset Porta.0                                      ' Turn off the Rev output
         Ocr0a = Output1                                    ' Set the PWM to Output
      Output1 = Output1 * -1
      If Output1 > Deadband1 Then                           ' Is the motor not far enough along
         Reset Portb.0                                      ' Turn off the Fwd output
         Set Porta.0                                       ' Turn on the Rev output
         Ocr0a = Output1                                    ' Set the PWM to Output
         Reset Portb.0                                      ' Turn off the Fwd output
         Reset Porta.0                                      ' Turn off the Rev output
         Ocr0a = 0                                          ' Turn Off the PWM
      End If
    End If
    If Output2 > Deadband2 Then                             ' Is the motor to far along
         Set Porta.3                                        ' Turn on the Fwd output
         Reset Portb.1                                      ' Turn off the Rev output
         Ocr0b = Output2                                    ' Set the PWM to Output
      Output2 = Output2 * -1
      If Output2 > Deadband2 Then                           ' Is the motor not far enough along
         Reset Porta.3                                      ' Turn off the Fwd output
         Set Portb.1                                        ' Turn on the Rev output
         Ocr0b = Output2                                    ' Set the PWM to Output
         Reset Porta.3                                      ' Turn off the Fwd output
         Reset Portb.1                                      ' Turn off the Rev output
         Ocr0b = 0                                          ' Turn Off the PWM
      End If
    End If
   If Pwm_control = 0 Then
      If Pina.4 = 0 Then
         Tcnt1 = 0
         Pwm_control = 1
         Reset Porta.4
      End If
   Elseif Pwm_control = 1 Then
      If Pina.4 = 1 Then
         Refcount1 = Tcnt1
         Tcnt1 = 0
         Set Porta.6
         Pcmsk0 = &B01000000
         Pwm_control = 2
      End If
   Elseif Pwm_control = 2 Then
      If Pina.6 = 0 Then
         Tcnt1 = 0
         Pwm_control = 3
         Reset Porta.6
      End If
   Elseif Pwm_control = 3 Then
      If Pina.6 = 1 Then
         Refcount2 = Tcnt1
         Tcnt1 = 0
         Set Porta.4
         Pcmsk0 = &B00010000
         Pwm_control = 0
      End If
   End If
   If Pwm_control = 0 Or Pwm_control = 1 Then
      Pwm_control = 2
      Pcmsk0 = &B01000000
      Refcount1 = 0
   Elseif Pwm_control = 2 Or Pwm_control = 3 Then
      Pwm_control = 0
      Pcmsk0 = &B00010000
      Refcount2 = 0
   End If
Tcnt1 = 0


7 years ago

first option

second option


and this is what i have now, only for testing manualy all mechanism (soft is for this and need to write it to other solutions) , most importand is the dynamics of motor stering. Manually I check all solutions of motors dynamics. Motors must be fast but with correct acceleration and braking (manually may check all of the solutions)

This is the start of the proposed pin usage
'Port      Pin     Function Used
 'PB0       2       Motor 1 Fwd
 'PB1       3       Motor 1 Rev
 'PB2       5       OC0A    PWM Motor 1
 'PB3       4       Motor 2 Fwd
 'PA0       13     Motor 2 Rev
 'PA1       12      ADC1    Motor 1 Position
 'PA2       11      ACD2    Motor 2 Position
 'PA3       10
 'PA4       9       SCL     I2C Communications
 'PA5       8
 'PA6       7       SDA     I2C Communications
 'PA7       6       OC0B    PWM Motor 2

Hello Bart,

Try out the following code.

it uses over 80% of the Flash memory but does have PID control with a choice of Analog control or PWM input like an RC servo.  Output is dual cahnnel PWM.

'name                     : servo DIY Driver
'copyright                : Bartosz Scencelek Bartcam
'micro                    : attiny44
'commercial use           : no
$regfile = "attiny44.dat"                                   ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 8000000                                          ' used crystal frequency
'The following is just pinout information
'Port      Pin     Function Used
'PB0       2       Output     Motor 1 Fwd
'PB1       3       Output     Motor 1 Rev
'PB2       5       OC0A       PWM Motor 1
'PB3       4       Reset
'PA0       13      Output     Motor 2 Rev
'PA1       12      ADC1       Motor 1 Position
'PA2       11      ACD2       Motor 2 Position
'PA3       10      Output     Motor 2 Fwd
'PA4       9       SCL/Ref1   I2C Communications
'PA5       8       Input      Control Mode
'PA6       7       SDA/Ref2   I2C Communications
'PA7       6       OC0B       PWM Motor 2
' Just a note on the Control Mode
' When set to VCC we will use the PA4 and PA6
' as I2C communications
' When set to Gnd    We will use the PA4 and PA6
' as PWM inputs for Ref1 and Ref2
' When set to 2.5V or ADC 512 we will use PA4 and PA6
' as Analog inputs for Ref1 and Ref2
Dim Pot1 As Single                                          'Current Average position value Motor 1
Dim Pot2 As Single                                          'Current Average position value Motor 2
Dim Ref1 As Single                                          'Motor 1 Target Position
Dim Ref2 As Single                                          'Motor 2 Target Position
Dim Refcount1 As Word
Dim Refcount2 As Word
Dim Err1 As Single
Dim Err2 As Single
Dim Integral1 As Single
Dim Integral2 As Single
Dim Derivative1 As Single
Dim Derivative2 As Single
Dim Preverr1 As Single
Dim Preverr2 As Single
Dim Output1 As Single
Dim Output2 As Single
Dim Kp1 As Single
Dim Ki1 As Single
Dim Kd1 As Single
Dim Kp2 As Single
Dim Ki2 As Single
Dim Kd2 As Single
Dim Deadband1 As Single                                     'Motor 1 DeadBand
Dim Deadband2 As Single                                     'Motor 2 DeadBand
Dim Filter As Single                                        'Filtering Value
Dim Filter2 As Single
'Dim Temp As String * 10
Dim Temp2 As Single
Dim Temp3 As Word
Dim Dt As Single
Dim Controltype As Bit
Dim Pwm_control As Byte
On Pcint0 Chint Save
On Oc1a Pwmint Save
Config Portb.0 = Output                                     'Motor1 Fwd
Config Portb.1 = Output                                     'Motor1 Rev
Config Portb.2 = Output                                     'Motor1 PWM
Config Porta.0 = Output                                     'Motor2 Rev
Config Porta.3 = Output                                     'Motor2 Fwd
Config Porta.7 = Output                                     'Motor2 PWM
Config Porta.5 = Input                                      'input Mode "Cotrol"
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = 2
Config Timer0 = Pwm , Compare_a_pwm = Clear_up , Compare_b_pwm = Clear_up , Prescale = 8
Config Timer1 = Timer , Compare_a = Disconnect , Compare_b = Disconnect , Prescale = 8
Enable Interrupts
Ocr0b = 0                                                   'Motor1 Power
Ocr0a = 0                                                   'Motor2 Power
' the OCR1A (Output Compare Register 1 A) is used to generate an interruput every
' 20 mS which is the pulse period of most PWM controlled servos.
' Since this controller will be working as a servo driver, we need to use
' the same timings.
' 20mS periods occure 50 times per second
' With a system clock of 8000000 cycles persecond, 160000 cycles will elapse each period.
' Timer/Counter 1 can coun up to 65535 before it over runs, so we need to use a prescaler
' of at least 2.441 times. This of course does not exist, so the next lowest available
' is 8 time. Soo if we take 8000000/8 gives us 1000000. we divide that by our 50 times
' per second, we get 20000, which is below the max of 65535, so we set the OCR1A to 20000
' if a PWM pulse exceeds the 20 mS, then we will set the ref to the current pos.
Ocr1a = 20000                                               'PWM input Timer
Reset Portb.0                                               'Motor1 Fwd
Reset Portb.1                                               'Motor1 Rev
Reset Porta.0                                               'Motor2 Rev
Reset Porta.3                                               'Motor2 Fwd
Controltype = Porta.5
Start Timer0                                                'PWM Output Timer
If Controltype = 1 Then                                     'This section for PWM Input
   Set Pcie0
   Enable Oc1a
   Start Timer1
   Tcnt1 = 0
   Pwm_control = 0
   Set Pcint4
End If
Ref1 = 512
Ref2 = 512
Integral1 = 0
Integral2 = 0
Kp1 = 0.1
Ki1 = 0.1
Kd1 = 0
Deadband1 = 5
Deadband2 = 5
Filter = 5                                                  ' Set the filter to 5 Cycles
Filter2 = Filter + 1
Dt = 0.00173
Waitms 200
'*************** Motor Feed Back with Filtering *************
' By taking the existing pot value and multiplying it by Filter
' then adding the raw pot value and deviding the total by Filter + 1
' We end up with a sudo average taken over filter cycles through the program
' The best part of this method of averaging is it is fast and doen't
' used much memory, the down side is it can take a long time for the average
' to match the raw when the raw is not moving.
    Temp3 = Getadc(1)
    Temp2 = Temp3
    Pot1 = Pot1 * Filter
    Pot1 = Pot1 + Temp2
    Pot1 = Pot1 / Filter2
    Temp3 = Getadc(2)
    Temp2 = Temp3
    Pot2 = Pot2 * Filter
    Pot2 = Pot2 + Temp2
    Pot2 = Pot2 / Filter2
' Control Method 2 Analog input control.
    If Controltype = 0 Then                                 ' Analog Input Control
         Temp3 = Getadc(4)
         Temp2 = Temp3
         Ref1 = Ref1 * Filter
         Ref1 = Ref1 + Temp2
         Ref1 = Ref1 / Filter2
         Temp3 = Getadc(6)
         Temp2 = Temp3
         Ref2 = Ref2 * Filter
         Ref2 = Ref2 + Temp2
         Ref2 = Ref2 / Filter2
    Else                                                    ' PWM input Control
         If Refcount1 < 1000 Or Refcount1 > 2000 Then       ' if the Refcount is not in range
            Ref1 = Pot1                                     'set the Ref to be equal to the current position
            Temp3 = Refcount1 - 988
            Ref1 = Temp3
         End If
         If Refcount2 < 1000 Or Refcount2 > 2000 Then
            Ref2 = Pot2
            Temp3 = Refcount2 - 988
            Ref2 = Temp3
         End If
    End If
' PID Loop to calculate the output value from the Input Error
    Err1 = Ref1 - Pot1
    Temp2 = Err1 * Dt
    Integral1 = Integral1 + Temp2
    Temp2 = Err1 - Preverr1
    Derivative1 = Temp2 / Dt
    Derivative1 = Derivative1 * Kd1
    Temp2 = Integral1 * Ki1
    Output1 = Kp1 * Err1
    Output1 = Output1 + Temp2
    Output1 = Output1 + Derivative1
    Preverr1 = Err1
    If Output1 > 255 Then
         Output1 = 255
    Elseif Output1 < -255 Then
         Output1 = -255
    End If
    Err2 = Ref2 - Pot2
    Temp2 = Err2 * Dt
    Integral2 = Integral2 + Temp2
    Temp2 = Err2 - Preverr2
    Derivative2 = Temp2 / Dt
    Derivative2 = Derivative2 * Kd2
    Temp2 = Integral2 * Ki2
    Output2 = Kp2 * Err2
    Output2 = Output2 + Temp2
    Output2 = Output2 + Derivative2
    Preverr2 = Err2
' Drive the Motor Output and PWM signal.
    If Output1 > Deadband1 Then                             ' Is the motor to far along
         Set Portb.0                                        ' Turn on the Fwd output
         Reset Portb.1                                      ' Turn off the Rev output
         Ocr0a = Output1                                    ' Set the PWM to Output
      Output1 = Output1 * -1
      If Output1 > Deadband1 Then                           ' Is the motor not far enough along
         Reset Portb.0                                      ' Turn off the Fwd output
         Set Portb.1                                        ' Turn on the Rev output
         Ocr0a = Output1                                    ' Set the PWM to Output
         Reset Portb.0                                      ' Turn off the Fwd output
         Reset Portb.1                                      ' Turn off the Rev output
         Ocr0a = 0                                          ' Turn Off the PWM
      End If
    End If
    If Output2 > Deadband2 Then                             ' Is the motor to far along
         Set Porta.3                                        ' Turn on the Fwd output
         Reset Porta.0                                      ' Turn off the Rev output
         Ocr0b = Output2                                    ' Set the PWM to Output
      Output2 = Output2 * -1
      If Output2 > Deadband2 Then                           ' Is the motor not far enough along
         Reset Porta.3                                      ' Turn off the Fwd output
         Set Porta.0                                        ' Turn on the Rev output
         Ocr0b = Output2                                    ' Set the PWM to Output
         Reset Porta.3                                      ' Turn off the Fwd output
         Reset Porta.0                                      ' Turn off the Rev output
         Ocr0b = 0                                          ' Turn Off the PWM
      End If
    End If
   If Pwm_control = 0 Then
      If Porta.4 = 0 Then
         Tcnt1 = 0
         Pwm_control = 1
      End If
   Elseif Pwm_control = 1 Then
      If Porta.4 = 1 Then
         Refcount1 = Tcnt1
         Tcnt1 = 0
         Reset Pcmsk0.4
         Set Pcint6
         Pwm_control = 2
      End If
   Elseif Pwm_control = 2 Then
      If Porta.6 = 0 Then
         Tcnt1 = 0
         Pwm_control = 3
      End If
   Elseif Pwm_control = 3 Then
      If Porta.4 = 1 Then
         Refcount2 = Tcnt1
         Tcnt1 = 0
         Reset Pcmsk0.6
         Set Pcint4
         Pwm_control = 0
      End If
   End If
   If Pwm_control = 0 Or Pwm_control = 1 Then
      Reset Pcmsk0.4
      Set Pcint6
      Pwm_control = 2
      Refcount1 = 0
      Tcnt1 = 0
   Elseif Pwm_control = 2 Or Pwm_control = 3 Then
      Reset Pcmsk0.6
      Set Pcint4
      Pwm_control = 0
      Refcount2 = 0
      Tcnt1 = 0
   End If
Please let me know how it goes.
It seams the I2C library is only available in the comercial paid version of Bascom and I don't think it's worth it.

Do let me know how it goes.

There are ome serious limitations with this chip, and the programming software.

But it will be interesting to know if it works.




7 years ago

Wow Bartcam !
Such a great post with your excellent mobile platform solutions.
Quality work - thanks for posting.

Thank You Grog, and thank You Ray...

PB3 - is the reset pin of microcontroller (if I swich off this i can not program it)

ok i try to project new PCB for those, I must think about how to comunicate by I2C without any breaks in ADC, on int, we must do some sub funcion where we get signals from I2C.

We have one pin free, this may be used for some endstop switch, better will be to use two pins , one for each motor..

There is problem with filtering in program, if I use




without this filtering:

    Err1 = Ref1 - Pot1
    Temp2 = Err1 * Dt
    Integral1 = Integral1 + Temp2
    Temp2 = Err1 - Preverr1
    Derivative1 = Temp2 / Dt
    Derivative1 = Derivative1 * Kd1
    Temp2 = Integral1 * Ki1
    Output1 = Kp1 * Err1
    Output1 = Output1 + Temp2
    Output1 = Output1 + Derivative1
    Preverr1 = Err1

with this filtering all works in only one direction, I belive there is some small mistake in calculations. I try to find this ;/


all it's working in analog mode, I don't checked PWM and I2C mode yet.

Sorry no I2C mode ... yet!

Ok, i find one problem:

Derivative1 = Derivative1 * Kd1


Derivative1 will be always =0 because Kd1 is =0


hmmm filter is working in excel maybe is something with variables in bascom


that I am think about in  simulations in bascom of filtering is many errors.
I cutted the code and do a small of it to simulation only:

$regfile = "attiny44.dat"                                   ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 8000000                                          ' used crystal frequency
'The following is just pinout information
'Port      Pin     Function Used
'PB0       2       Output     Motor 1 Fwd
'PB1       3       Output     Motor 1 Rev
'PB2       5       OC0A       PWM Motor 1
'PB3       4       Reset
'PA0       13      Output     Motor 2 Rev
'PA1       12      ADC1       Motor 1 Position
'PA2       11      ACD2       Motor 2 Position
'PA3       10      Output     Motor 2 Fwd
'PA4       9       SCL/Ref1   I2C Communications
'PA5       8       Input      Control Mode
'PA6       7       SDA/Ref2   I2C Communications
'PA7       6       OC0B       PWM Motor 2
' Just a note on the Control Mode
' When set to VCC we will use the PA4 and PA6
' as I2C communications
' When set to Gnd    We will use the PA4 and PA6
' as PWM inputs for Ref1 and Ref2
' When set to 2.5V or ADC 512 we will use PA4 and PA6
' as Analog inputs for Ref1 and Ref2
Dim Pot1 As Single                                          'Current Average position value Motor 1
Dim Pot2 As Single                                          'Current Average position value Motor 2
Dim Ref1 As Single                                          'Motor 1 Target Position
Dim Ref2 As Single                                          'Motor 2 Target Position
Dim Refcount1 As Word
Dim Refcount2 As Word
Dim Err1 As Single
Dim Err2 As Single
Dim Integral1 As Single
Dim Integral2 As Single
Dim Derivative1 As Single
Dim Derivative2 As Single
Dim Preverr1 As Single
Dim Preverr2 As Single
Dim Output1 As Single
Dim Output2 As Single
Dim Kp1 As Single
Dim Ki1 As Single
Dim Kd1 As Single
Dim Kp2 As Single
Dim Ki2 As Single
Dim Kd2 As Single
Dim Deadband1 As Single                                     'Motor 1 DeadBand
Dim Deadband2 As Single                                     'Motor 2 DeadBand
Dim Filter As Single                                        'Filtering Value
Dim Filter2 As Single
'Dim Temp As String * 10
Dim Temp2 As Single
Dim Temp3 As Word
Dim Dt As Single
Dim X As Single
Ref1 = 512
Ref2 = 512
Integral1 = 0
Integral2 = 0
Kp1 = 0.1
Ki1 = 0.1
Kd1 = 0.1
Deadband1 = 5
Deadband2 = 5
Filter = 5                                                  ' Set the filter to 5 Cycles
Filter2 = 6
Dt = 0.00173
Pot1 = 510
Ref1 = 512
    Err1 = Ref1 - Pot1
    Temp2 = Err1 * Dt
    Integral1 = Integral1 + Temp2
    Temp2 = Err1 - Preverr1
    Derivative1 = Temp2 / Dt
    Derivative1 = Derivative1 * Kd1
    Temp2 = Integral1 * Ki1
    Output1 = Kp1 * Err1
    Output1 = Output1 + Temp2
    Output1 = Output1 + Derivative1
    Preverr1 = Err1
    X = Output1
The X is calculation of what is end value to output. I don't know where is erroe in calculations, must check each by each

Is it possible the error is comming from an external source such as the two timer interrupts?

There are quite a number of interrupts on the tiny84, i used one for the two pwm outputs, and one is usec for the pwm input timing!


At last work on analog mode with PID :)

but, no live with PWM mode, I connected normal servo to check signal from the arduino and normal servo its working , an these same pin DIY SERV DRV not work. I thin there is something with INT.





OK i found there is no ENABLE PCINT(X)

SET PCINT(x) - what for ? I think it is not neccecery.

Tommorow is next day of checking :P



Hello Bartca,

I noticed that you are running with higher counts than was origonally calculated, not sure where I got it wrong,

In one of the comments you made you mentioned having to restric the range due to instability, There is a setting that may not have been taken into account.

Up the the setup section, we set OCR1A to 20000, with the real world results we are seeing this may be should have been closer to 40000.

Just a thought

The OCR1A is used to trigger the interrupt for loss of signal in what you called SSM mode (I called it PWM mode, but your naming will lead to less confusion so I will match your naming)
