I am trying to use the learn aiml, I see that Mastablasta in one of his docs said
Before you end a session with your bot you need to use wq (write and quit) and hit enter.
Can anyone tell me where you enter the WQ. I have tried this but get nothing.
tell us a bit more about your
tell us a bit more about your testing environment. are you in pandarobots playground or in mrl? in mrl use the swing gui and go to the tab with your bots name - or are you not that far yet?
Hi Juerg, I hope this makes
Hi Juerg, I hope this makes sence to you.
I am using mrl and programAB and Python. The bot will talk and I can teach him things but when I exit ( i just hit the red stop buttion). I then go back and look at my files an nothing has been added.
I tried the wq + enter on the python panel but nothing happens.
hi you can call this from
hi you can call this from python :
I m working on external and shared learning datastorage. it works great. sources soon
Hi, moz4r, Sorry but i have a
Hi, moz4r,
Sorry but i have a dum question. How do I call chatbot.WriteAndQuit
from my python programe?
Again sorry.
maybe you post your python script you are using to start your bot.
you could call the save command through an oob tag in a "SAVE SESSION" pattern. however I think you should experiment first with the playground in pandarobots. there you have all the buttons to add and modify the aiml file parts.
my method to extend the capabilities of the robot is currently to create a new aiml file and control the flow with topics. as all aiml files in the bots directory get loaded it can be a small and easy to edit file. In the swing-gui under the bot's name you can easily reload the files and check out your additions you made. If you do that in small steps (one pattern after the other) you can also quickly detect any errors you have made. It is rather easy to break the aiml file and it's not shown in the log what made it fail - it just does not get loaded.
I am currently also testing the chatbot and my dificulties are to find a script that load the chatbot i want using webkit and acapela! ive tried harry and only can load Alice2 (default) never the bot i want. The onyl way i could load it was Running-startAPprogram-change name bottom instead alice "botname". But that way is not cool and no webkit or acapela :(
Hi Pedro
It is in fact a bit of a problem to get the right bot loaded. I am using this sript and this folder structure:
Here is the program that I am running.
Thank you guys, I can now
Thank you guys, I can now load my not:) now my next quest is to be able to use an oob to for example load a .py to start right hand and set min max! Is it possible? Love my chatbot is the most funny part
Pedro, using BillC's script
Pedro, using BillC's script and wanting to call the "heard" function with the pattern "HEARD" you would need to add this to your aiml file:
the difference between a
the difference between a statement in the main python script and a statement in a function section "def func():" is only the time of executing. statements in the main part get executed when the script is started, statements in a function get only executed when the function is called.
beside this there is no restriction what a stateent has to look like.
so to save the chatbot's state (as of moz4r's reply) and using above function "heard()" you would add the "chatbot.WriteAndQuit" into the def section of "heard()"
replace "chatbot" with your chatbot's name.
and can be the gestures
and can be the gestures function like a full script of python? not just a def (): with the servos position?
sorry Bill, can't be of help
sorry Bill, can't be of help for this as I never expected my bot to remember a last session thing. Thought it would go into the aimlif folder but the entries I found there do not make sense to me.
you could make it know its name by having a predicates.txt file in the config folder (same level as the aiml folder is) and add "name: jarvis"