Hello everybody!
I have a problem with the jaw. I am not able to get that the jaw moves when inmoov speaks.
This is my code that I have modified from different people.
from java.lang import String
import subprocess
# Inmoov portions
#starting the InMoov-service
i01 = Runtime.createAndStart("i01", "InMoov")
headPort = "COM6"
#starting the mouth
#start the (InMoov-)head(-service)
head = i01.startHead(headPort)
#start the ear(-service)
# Create ProgramAB chat bot
lloyd = Runtime.createAndStart("sara", "ProgramAB")
#lloyd.startSession("c:/dev/workspace.kmw/pyrobotlab/home/kwatters", "default", "lloyd")
lloyd.startSession("sara", "sara")
# create the speech recognition service
# Speech recognition is based on WebSpeechToolkit API
# Create the webkit speech recognition gui
wksr = Runtime.createAndStart("webkitspeechrecognition", "WebkitSpeechRecognition")
# create the html filter to filter the output of program ab
htmlfilter = Runtime.createAndStart("htmlfilter", "HtmlFilter")
# create the speech to text service (named the same as the inmoov's)
i01.mouth = Runtime.createAndStart("i01.mouth", "AcapelaSpeech")
# mouth.setGoogleURI("http://thehackettfamily.org/Voice_api/api2.php?voice=Ryan&txt=")
# MRL Routing webkitspeechrecognition -> program ab -> htmlfilter -> inmoov
# add a route from Sphinx to ProgramAB
# sphinx.addTextListener(lloyd)
# debugging in python route.
# sphinx.addListener("publishText", python.name, "heard", String().getClass());
# add a link between the webkit speech to publish to ProgramAB
# Add route from Program AB to html filter
# Add route from html filter to mouth
# make sure the ear knows if it's speaking.
# TODO: how does this jive with webspeech ?!
# sphinx.attach(mouth)
Please, could you help me?
Thank you very much
You also need to start MouthControl like this:
Then you need to override the default setting for the jaw movement:
Hello again, I have tried
Hello again,
I have tried your advice, but I still have a problem. I have modified the code and this is my new one:
Latest release of MRL
You need to download th latest MRL, because the setMouth metod was created just a few days ago.
You can find a link to the latest build in the shoutbox on the left side of this page.
Thank you very much. I'm
Thank you very much.
I'm going to try and I will post the result.
I really like this project and their members.
Hello Mats, I had some
Hello Mats,
I had some problem with my code but I have found yours and I have modified a little and now, EVERYTHING WORKS GREAT.
Thank you very much for your help. It's amazing.
I really love this project.
Here you can watch a video
Here you can watch a video with our head.
My students are very excited with the Inmoov robot and me too.
Thank you
Thanks for showing it. This video makes me very happy. Young kids and an engaged teacher working on a project that would have been impossible just 5 years ago.