hello any tell me how install Mrl in raspi 2 ? I tried but it does not end as completed

the terminal is not in the line of writing as if I had to continue. I get the gui and install all services but nothing appears CLI. Then I close but I can not open as executable


Hi Mecax

your message reads a bit cryptic to me. MRL on my raspi 2 runs fine. I start it with 

  java -Xmx1g -jar myrobotlab.jar

but cd first to the mrl folder, eg. CD MRL when in your home direcrory

The -Xm1g  gives some room for MRL to run but this might not necessary for all commands given.

For some services - like opencv - you need updated native library files for the armv7 CPU but normal InMoov control should work.

When closing the MRL gui the command window does not close automatically - at least in my environment. Either close that window with the X - button (right upper corner) in the window or press Ctrl-Z to stop it.

What is your understanding of CLI - I can not interprete it?



Hey Mecax,

  I merged a change that Alessandruino made , so now the QA build should work on the Ras PI 2 ..  

just make sure you delete your  ~/.repo  directory and start with a fresh install of myrobotlab.jar in a clean directory.   Once that is done, you can just try again and the services should be found and they will install now.

  I've tested here with my Ras PI and all the services installed.   (not sure which ones actually work.. ) but at least they installed!



9 years 1 month ago

In reply to by mecax

Are you using the latest development build from the QA post?  (linked above)

Also, did you delete your local ivy repository by removing the ~/.repo directory  ( assuming you're logged in as "pi"  that would be the directory   /home/pi/.repo    

Lastly, make sure you download myrobotlab.jar into a new directory and run  "java -jar myrobotlab.jar"   from a terminal window.  

Once that has launched the normal MRL gui, go to runtime. and from the menu select to install all.   That will take a while to download all of the dependencies.  (lots of data/files) 

At that point , MRL will ask you to restart.   click the restart button

go back to the cli ,   hit "control-c"   to close out the CLI program.

Then, relaunch myrobotlab by running   "java -jar myrobotlab.jar" 

At that point , the runtime tab should show all the services are installed.


hopefully this will help get it working for you.