
tried to follow the the Quick Start Guide to build myrobotlab in java. Have Eclipse Mars running on W10/64

Got myrobotlab and repo on the git-page, in the java-page I have a red mark on myrobotlab an it tells me it could not find or load:


any help?




9 years 2 months ago

Try looking in the jar build path if you have all the .Jar files... Once you have it, it will try building the workspace and it 's going to be worky

Hi Ale

You are talking in puzzles - I found a Java Build Path Property but where can I find a jar build path?



9 years 2 months ago

In reply to by juerg

In Java build path - > libraries tab... See if there are all the jars listed there...otherwise you should add them from the repo

thanks, got first a double reference to SLF4J but after removing it from the library list it built (was also referenced from myrobotlab.jar).

I still get a problem for referencing jssc/0.9.0/jssc.jar. From another log in the forum I saw that it should be fixed but not in my case? Does this prevent the gui to show up after clicking Run in exclipse?

Is there also a doc available of how to make the programAB run?


9 years 2 months ago

In reply to by juerg

found the reference here

myrobotlab.build.xml line 168

 168: <pathelement location="${repo}/com.googlecode.jssc/0.9.0/jssc.jar" />