hello everyone
I have another problem with Serov :(
I tried the single hand test with one servo connect to index (pin3)
but the servo is not moving by voice command.
i can move it manual but not with command.
it seems servo is connected and no problem for power.
Is the system recognising the
Is the system recognising the voice command? e.g. if you say "Close Hand", does it reply "Did you say Close Hand?"
yes , it can get it and i can see in cmd part all servos change to 0 or 180 by the command , but servo doesn`t move.
and thi is what I did copy to MRL : http://myrobotlab.org/service/inmoov
Are you starting the speech
Are you starting the speech service and servos etc using python code or starting the services manually? I find I often have to detach and reattach the servos after starting everything using Python code.
not manualy
no , i don`t start them manualy , they open after starting python code.
Use this after you start all
Use this after you start all the script :
Try deleting this from the
Try deleting this from the script :
In both the openhand, closehand functions,
Cause a left hand is never created
not move
I did it , but it is still the same and doesn`t move
I saw in the shout box it
I saw in the shout box it worked... What was the problem?
not sure
I`m not sure about the problem but i did update all limitations from 0-180 and put open hand in 20 and close hand in 160 and it worked like that