
I'm new user in myrobotLab using it for inmoov project.

I try to change the .myrobotlab/io1.ear.xml file to configure sphinx for French language recognition (i also add directories with all the files for french)

But I doesn't work an It seems that i01.ear.xml file and other ones like ear.xml are rewritten each time i start my python script.

So i suppose it's probably what the service do not take care of new confg.

Can you help me with that ?

My english accent is so bad that there is no other option ;-)

Thank's a lot




9 years 4 months ago

Hi Seb86,

We are working on another option - its using the speech recognition of the webkit in the browser. 
It will take some time to get working, but this is one of our first objectives with the new WebGUI.

It will be multi-lingual and support free-form recognition.