Hello, I went to install the arduino service on myrobotlab instance running on my BBB and there was an error downloading it. I confirmed the same problem on my mac. Is the repo broken?


10 years 1 month ago

Hello CMERC and Welcome !

Quite likely this is an issue with the BBB's defintion ..  What is BBB's ARM instruction set version?  ARMv6 ARMv7 ?  I "think" kmcgerald has installed Arduino on a one but his BBB-Fu is very strong

ARMv6 , however not sure it has anything to do with that as I get the same error on my macbook.  

here is the error in the dialogue box on the gui when I attempt to install the arduino service.  It looks to me like it just can not find the file..

info parsing
info found 3 releases
info finished parsing and sorting
info returning release string 1.0.62
info retrieve cc.arduino.1.0
error download failed: cc.arduino#arduino;1.0!MRLComm.zip
finished processing updates

The zip file that is complaining about is not needed.  The next time you do an install - the error nor the reference should be there.

The things that do matter are the following :

1. MRLComm needs to be loaded sucessfully through the Arduino IDE in order for MRL to communicat to the Arduino.  The latest version of this sketch can now be retrieved from this link - 


2. As part of the Arduino dependencies - You need the correct  libRXTX 
Did a web search - BBB uses ARMv7 instruction set - Raspi is ARMv6..   I don't think we have a ARMv7 libRXTX .. but Arduino probably does - does the OS your using have Arduinio in its repo ?

Yes, I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and I have downloaded and installed arduino on my BBB via apt-get and confirmed that it is working properly through VNC.

tried installing the arduino service through the myrobotlab ui again and still get the same error