I am trying to assemble all the pieces i printed, and just recieved a couple servo's, so ill be trying to make the head move first.

I want to make the whole robot movable, and after everything works, i want to put it on a segway clone, got that part working already with a uno, 6050 mpu, wheelchair motors from my own old wheelchair and some  24v batteries and a sabertooth 2x25 motorcontroller.

but first thing first and just the head. And hope that when i am in need of help, you can help me, because im just starting with learning to program, but not sure what first, c++, or python or.....

Btw, my name is Wilco, am from hengelo in holland.





10 years 5 months ago

Great looking Bot Wilco. You have a name for it yet? 

As Ale said very easy to start you in motion. I would suggest the simple servo test for your iniatial moves and you can test all your servos that way as well.

Enjoy dwilli9013 Dwayne


10 years 5 months ago

Hi dwayne,

He is calles Will-E, like the movie bot, but with an i.

And i am looking into the motion right now.



I know very little italian, my girlfriend is italian, from Sardinie, so im learning italian 1 word at the time haha.

And ill look into the tutorials, my opinion is that if you want to make a robot move you need to learn the language, because then you can fix something that does not work, and if you only use ready made scripts, you can never adjust them for your needs. But i also know that learning to program isnot very easy, at least for me it isnt.