Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Been trying to get the MPU6050 6 DOF accelerometer/gyroscope working in MRL.

I can get it to attach and even return some data, except the data doesn't make sense.

With the MPU6050 held stationary, the should always be an acceleration in the downward direction of 1G or between 9.8 and 10 m/s depending on where on the planet you are located. (the lower value closer to the equator)
There should also be a constant low speed rotation of about 0.00416 degrees per second (the planet turns fully once per day)

Most builders of the InMoov robot have eventually installed the NeoPixel ring with 16 Pixels in the stomach.
When working, these little multi colored LED unit can look very impressive.\
As Part of Fred's program, I also wanted to use these marvelous devices.
Of course I had to be different :-) and add extra NeoPixels to the ring.

When i built my robot, i liked the idea of an articulating stomach designed by Bob Houston, found as thingiverse thing:1409964.

Bob made a very nice design, but I never felt at ease with using just the 180 degree turn servos and the plastic spindles. They have a rather course pitch and can cause the robot to lean at random , for example when moving an arm.

For a long time you could not run ultrasonic sensors on the same Arduino as the NeoPixels.
This was because the sleep function in the Arduino would upset the NeoPixel communication control.
In the recent versions of MyRobotLab Nixie version, this issue has now been solved.
What you are seeing here is 23 NeoPixels running with 2 active UltraSonic sensors and a Passive Infra Red sensor all on the same Arduino Nano running under MRL control.


Testing Freds new program on the Nixie build 1.1.429.



Good news is it's working :-)

While I was in there, I started OpenCV, loaded the PyramidDown Filter and the Flip filter.