Hello everyone. First a big compliment for this great platform myrobotlab. I am an absolute beginner when it comes to robotics and programming, but I was able to find my way around very quickly and create my first own gestures. But now I have encountered an insoluble problem for me. I would like Inmoov to do the math in one gesture. How can I tell him the numbers through his ears that he should then calculate? Is there a list with the valid commands such as chatbot.getresponse () and what do they do? I am thankful for every help.
Many greetings
Hello Pepper and
Hello Pepper and welcome.
"kwatters" is more of a aiml expert than I, but to answer your question, I believe it already should.
A little further explanation would be that InMoov uses the service called ProgramAB (http://myrobotlab.org/service/ProgramAb)
ProgramAb's logic is written in aiml and this is what InMoov uses to generate response to what it "hears".
On Nixie version of MyRobotLab we have an improved UI
You can see I asked a bunch of math related questions, and the responses are what I expected.
You can also see the processing of the amil on the left - I think it matches on MATHTERM then MATHFORMULA and finally processes the equation with javascript then returns the answer "250" in the last case.
Hope this helps pepper.
Hello GroG, Thank you for
Hello GroG,