Hello everyone I NEED HELP I'm Fabian from Argentina, I am new to robotics but I am very interested in learning to use all the services and advantages of this wonderful program. My problem is I want use to Tracking Myrobotlab faces, I have the servos, Arduino, and when I run the code in python I get the following error



102033 [Thread-9] ERROR org.myrobotlab.logging.Logging  - ------
SyntaxError: ("mismatched input '' expecting EOF", ('<string>', 2, 1, ' tracker.setRestPosition(90, 90);\n'))

 at org.python.core.ParserFacade.fixParseError(ParserFacade.java:92)
 at org.python.core.ParserFacade.parse(ParserFacade.java:201)
 at org.python.core.Py.compile_flags(Py.java:1737)
 at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec(PythonInterpreter.java:206)
 at org.myrobotlab.service.Python$PIThread.run(Unknown Source)

102033 [Thread-9] ERROR class org.myrobotlab.framework.Service  - Python error                                                                                                                                                                                                          

THE CODE THAT I USE IN PYTHON  IS THE FOLLOWING                                                                                                                                                                        

tracker = Runtime.createAndStart("tracker","Tracking")
 tracker.setRestPosition(90, 90);




10 years 11 months ago

Hello and welcome fabianfabiani !

Python is very strict about indention.  This is how far each line is indented to the right

It looks like you have the first line "    tracker = Runtime.createAndStart("tracker","Tracking"):"

starting further to the right than all the other lines...

Python is not happy with this :)


10 years 11 months ago

Hello again Grog, Wonderful now loaded the code in Python and eyelashes appeared to face tracking but even I still get the error NEXT JAVA tab:
28557410 [tracker] ERROR org.myrobotlab.framework.Service class - but unknown data recieved state opencv

I can see my face tracking in opencv tab to filter facedetec I have the webcam with servos for movement in x, y, connected to arduino in 3 to 11 pins will also load the file MRLcomm.ino in arduino but the servos still do not move. I really want to run this. I hope I have a little patience and thank you very much for your help


10 years 11 months ago

In reply to by fabianfabiani

Hi... If you Are trying to do face tracking you have to add another row to' your code without using the filter tab (this method add automagically the face filter for you) : tracker.faceDetect()

If it doesn t work try this NEW FRESH BETTER STRONGER SCRIPT:

Tracking.minimal.py in this page:


Let us know!!


10 years 11 months ago

Hello again, I was proven last week and it worked the Tracking.minimal.py webcam but follow my face just when I I moved down and to the side but it is difficult also gave me great joy to see that moved the servos. Today loaded # file: Tracking.minimal.py # file: Tracking.manual.py # file: Tracking.eyes.py and Grog code that let the end but none worked and shows me ERROR org.myrobotlab.framework class. Service - Python Error
I'm getting a little frustrated I have proven many times that is not what I'm doing wrong, or what is the problem.

The latest (Tracking.minimal.py) works with the latest script published on http://myrobotlab.org/service/Tracking

Do following :

  1. update your MRL by doing a bleeding edge update by following these instructions http://myrobotlab.org/content/helpful-myrobotlab-tips-and-tricks-0#bleedingEdge
  2. restart (you must always restart after a bleeding edge update)
  3. copy and paste the contents of (Tracking.minimal.py) from http://myrobotlab.org/service/Tracking  - replace appropriate pins & ports
  4. run it - it should work - if it doesn't contact us and send a no-worky log - http://myrobotlab.org/content/helpful-myrobotlab-tips-and-tricks-0#noWorky

I followed all the steps but still did not work so you send the NOWORKY LOG. Thanks Grog and hopefully new instructions to follow.


10 years 11 months ago

In reply to by fabianfabiani

I realized that when I do step 1 to update the version, a window appears that says could not connect and will not let me update MRL.

Hi fabianfabiani,

Are you connected to the internet when you try to do the update?

Thanks for the screen capture, but can you show the window which appears and says could not connect ?

Sorry Grog. in the window says access denied, it says can not connect, when I do the update automatically appear these two windows and not serrated, but MRL if you close and reopen without being able to upgrade. I do everything being connected to the Internet. What I try to do is try to update MRL from another notebook that I have to see if I have the same problem or not.

Thanks for the translation - so it can not move the update  ...  you found the issue.
But why?  Could be a couple reasons :

  • Are you logged in as Jesica ?
  • Do you have rights to move files in that folder C:\Users\Jesica\Desktop\Programas ?
  • Is something else have the myrobotlab.jar open ?  

You found the issue, now we have to find out why it can not be moved & updated.

1/2 the way there :)

Excellent now works After trying on my other notebook, I finally updated MRL I run the code for tracking objects. With respect to the other notebook I have administrator rights and still do not know why not let me upgrade. Thanks Grog and all people willing to help others, will soon show you the video of my project of a robot head with which I am experiencing while learning some Arduino, I am new to the subject and am motivated by these things , Greetings



Great work fabianfabiani !  You persevered !!!  Looking forward to seeing your project !