Hi heverybody !
I get an error while build MRL . Can someone help me to find the problem ?
[junit] Running org.myrobotlab.service.InMoovScriptTest
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 530,106 secBUILD FAILED
C:\MRL2\myrobotlab\build.xml:995: Test org.myrobotlab.service.InMoovScriptTest failed
That all the compilator say .My java version is 1.8 and i'm runing the ant build with develop branch.
All the test before this one are ok.
thx for yout help
test output might have a clue
Ahoy Beetle! We've added some unit tests to make sure the build doesn't break compatability for a hand full of default scripts. The InMoov minimal scripts are among them.
When running the build and the junit tests the output shows up "build/report" directory. Each test that runs has an output xml file that contains all of the environmental info and the stdout/stderr generated by the test.
Take a look at the file : TEST-org.myrobotlab.service.InMoovScriptTest.xml
thx kwatters, My os is unning
thx kwatters, My os is unning 32bits version of win 7 . Internet is connected. I had a look to the XML file, And if found several error " not installed "
So i launch MRL from eclipse, and that right, lot os services aren't installed. I install all ,and run again ant build ; same error ! And again if i run MRL from eclipse, the installed service are gone and i need to reinstall all ..
I don't unserstand what's wrong . I attach the test file to the first post .
are you up to date?
I notice that your code was referencing java cv 1.1 ... i recently upgraded that to java cv 1.3 .. the error that you are seeing is because you're missing a java cv librarary. It might be something specific to windows 32 bit. Are you up to date? Are you building from the develop branch?
If so, I would have expected that your scripts would be pulling in javacv 1.3 ...
the error message is in the test output.
Thx for your help. All seem
Thx for your help. All seem to be ok, myrobotlab and repo folders are up to date .
I don't know why, but i just tryed again and the build is successfull !
Strange, the alone thing changed is ; when i start my computer this mornig, windows install an update .
Thx again for your help !