Hello everyone!

I would like to implement an OSC server on myrobotlab. I wanted to use the java oscP5 library in the jython service.

So far I tried to put the .java files frome the src folder of oscP5 to the src folder of myrobotlab.

And the .jar frome the library to the repo. Is it supposed to work?

Thank you for your time.

Here is the link to the library:


7 years 8 months ago

Hello and Welcome nicolas taguet !

It depends on how you want it to run.

Regular User Way

  • download the latest myrobotlab.jar in a new directory and install the "usual" way
  • type the following to install all the services
         java -jar myrobotlab.jar -install    
  • there is now a sub directory called libraries/jar, download and copy the oscP5.jar from the zip into the libraries/jar
  • download and copy the oscP5.jar into the libraries/jar directory
  • start with 
        java -jar myrobotlab.jar
  • run script

It worked this way for me 

But I didn't have a cool musical instrument to send the data .. just netcat listening on port 8000
You have to be careful the Python tab needs to be selected (in focus) to run .. I always forget this and just press run and nothing happens ...  I think someone will fix it next release ..

Run It As A Developer

So  if you want to make a MRL Service or hack on some Java code - you add just the jar to the repo, adjust the class path, and begin creating your service.  This would be like a wrapper to the OscP5 library.  Probably not want you do until you get some experience playing with it as a user.  But if  do want to go that way you can google for related links.

Cheers - please post your project (pictures are always appreciated) when you get time !

Thank you for yout awesome answer i will do that.

Just as a brief presentation of the project I work as an intern in an audio visual compagny and they want to control on stage some of the inmoov robot's part via OSC... so here i am!

I will post the project and some picture once done.



Hello again!

So i figured it out thanks to you!

I have a problem on the displaying of the incomming messages.

Here is how it is supposed to work to handle incomming messages, you define a method that is to be called on the receiving from the specified source (ip, adress and port).

Here is my problem, the udpServer works it is listening on right port, but i don't know how to display it on myrobotlab. Here is my code so far :

import oscP5.OscP5 as OscP5
import netP5.NetAddress as NetAddress
oscP5 = OscP5(python,13000)
oscP5.plug(python,"test","/test") #call function test when an osc message has /test as address
puredata = NetAddress("",13000)
def test(theOscMessage):
   print "### received an osc message."
   print "### addrpattern\t"+theOscMessage.addrPattern()
   print "### typetag\t"+theOscMessage.typetag()
for x in range(0,6):
   print x
   oscP5.send(OscMessage("/test").add(x), puredata)
The test function is supposed to be called but it is not, any input on why?
Thank you!

Hello again, i have an update, so i tried different libraries the OSC sending part is worky on all of them, but I can't get the receiving part to work. I am almost certain that the listeners handling the call of function at the reception of messages are not worky.

Is there something specific to myrobotlab you are supposed to do to get the listeners to work?
The listener in the library i'm using are started in threads, is it supported in myrobotlab?



7 years 8 months ago

In reply to by nicolas taguet

Threads are supported, in fact MRL is "massively" multi-threaded ..

Never worked with this library before, what are the requirements of a "Listener" ?

There is the possiblity that we make an official "Service" for this library ... 

The purpose of many of the services is provide a wrapper of easy functionality, which works in the same framework as all the other services.  I'd be willing to do this, but it would be helpful to get a good comment or post of references of what you can do with this library. 

Do you think you can make a comment which has a list & pictures of the "potentially" nifty things to control or get data back from ?

If we make a service we might even make a gui (or 2) for it - what things would be useful in the gui ?  Does it have a gui ?


OSC stands for Opend Sound Control. OSC is a protocol of communication that usually goes over ethernet.
It was mainly invented for the communication of electronical instrument such as synthetizers and controller. Also a lot of today's musical software are using OSC to send their data. Here are its features from wikipedia:

  • Open-ended, dynamic, URI-style symbolic naming scheme (uniform resource identifier)
  • Symbolic and high-resolution numeric data
  • Pattern matching language to specify multiple recipients of a single message
  • High resolution time tags
  • "Bundles" of messages whose effects must occur simultaneously

For example this guys are implementing/using OSC to send/process data :

OSC controller



There is a more exhaustive list of wikipedia :

For more information here is pdf giving some of the OSC specificity in regard with MIDI

Implementation with javaOSC

In order to implement OSC in myrobotlab and join the osc family the library called javaOSC could be used

It has a gui :

It is easy to use, choose:

  • The port for communication.
  • The ip to send to.
  • The adress of the message you want to send or receive (using the form /address/channel)
  • Set a value (supporting integer, Double Precision Floating Point, Strings, and more)
  • Send

For the server part i don't know how it is supported in this case.

But a gui supporting the server port could be neat with these functions:

  • set the number of servers
  • set the port to listen to for each server
  • filter the messages by addresses (using the form: /address/channel)
  • the possibility to trigger service/function on the reception of the messages


Finally here is a link to project done thanks to OSC:


I hope this post gave the information you wanted Grog, thank you for all the support!



This is great ! ... very useful.

I'm now in the process of creating a MRL Service Osc.

I saw there were a couple of choices for interface libraries.  Initially I started looking at JavaOsc .. OscP5 is "made" specifically for Processing.  However, JavaOsc latest does not compile with Java 8.  Although this could be fixed relatively quickly, it made me look more closely at OscP5.  I believe its a well written library, and it does not appear to have any Processing dependencies.

So .. the MRL Osc service will be a wrapper for OscP5 ..

At least that is the current plan...

That just said...  I just discovered the following in OscP5 libarary


I've looked at P5 libraries before, and see they reference P5's PApplet.  I was hoping this library did not - but it does in a different way.  It dynamically references PApplet.  And this is why the receiving data is borked.  I could create a new constructor with an input string which would make things work, then submit the addition back to the OscP5 group ... but maybe not...

So, Althought this library is written well, it would require me hacking on it to make it work completely in MRL.  So now I'm switching to plan B ..  "try using JavaOsc"


Now on the JavaOSC side ...

He doesn't publish any binary releases.. he has several tagged source versions & a binary in sourceforget (cept I'm not sure of the version there...)

I've decided just to look into the source to see if I can get something to work satisfactorily - I'm going to try his "develop" branch latest checkout, because the latest is usually the best ..

If I get something to work, I'll bundle it as a library and put it in the repo

Ok awesome thank you a lot!

I'll be able to put my lil' hand in all that code!

yours happy to work on this project.

Hello Grog,

I do have an account and i still get page not found with the error 404.

Is there something special i am supposed on my account to be able to access it?


7 years 8 months ago

JavaOSC source from github with develop branch (origin) compiles fine ...  its just the maven build project and/or tests which fail to create the binary ...

Testing functionality, I started the UI and did the same netcat -ul -p 57110 ..

A little strange the port is hardcoded ..  it sent udp messages

There is some docs to set up a receiver .. but the docs of course are way out of date, and do not compile ...

might be able to figure it out...

Can't help look at the history of JavaOSC - I think originally it was created to interface with SuperCollider - http://supercollider.github.io/ 

Never heard of it .. looks like an IDE - audio dsp sound studio with an interpretive scripting interface.  Downloaded it and installed it for fun .. but looks like a very steep learning curve ...


I see that it was a tough day of work! 

I finally succeeded to set up the receiver.

Here it is:

import com.illposed.osc.OSCPortIn as OSCPortIn
import com.illposed.osc.OSCPort as OSCPort
import com.illposed.osc.OSCListener as OSCListener
port = 1234
address = "/test"
receiver = OSCPortIn(1246)
class PyOSCListener(OSCListener):
    def __init__(OSCListener,python):
    def acceptMessage(message,time,python):
        print "address is : "+python.getAddress()
        print "arguments are : "+python.getArguments().toString()
listener = PyOSCListener(OSCListener)
receiver.addListener('/test', listener)
print receiver.getPort()
Here is the sender:
import com.illposed.osc.OSCPortOut as OSCPortOut
import com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage as OSCMessage
from java.net import InetAddress as InetAddress
ip = ''
port = 1234
address = "/isadora/1"
message = "Grog was here"
def getByAddress(ip):
    return InetAddress.getByAddress(map(int, ip.split('.')))
d = timedelta(microseconds=-1)
sender = OSCPortOut(getByAddress(ip),port)
args = [1]
args[0] =message
message = OSCMessage(address,args)


Wow .. really nice..

Impressive Python "class" / Java declaration ..

I'm glad you figured it out ... I'd like to finish this myrobotlab Osc service and make it easier for others - because that's what we do ;)

I'll finish it, and give an example of how to use it in Python, then perhaps you could test and give some suggestions..

... goodtimes ...

Hmmmm... OSCPortIn.addListener does not exist in the version I have (latest on develop) ... going to try the "released" jar

It seems they have removed addListener, and created a different class for handling the filtering called OSCPatternAddressMessageSelector - but I see no example of how to properly use it ...

Hello, thank you for the work acknowledgement :)!

I hoped that my codes could help you write the service, i have to admit that i don't know anything about how your services really work and how you write your Gui and myrobotlab as whole but it'll come when i'll read through the code!

I can give you the version of javaOSC i got.

I'm now working on a heartbeat sending through osc (got it to work) and soon i'll have two code to control the inmoov robot from an osc sender (myrobotlab or not) to myrobotlab.

I comment everything and i'll post it here soon.


You gave me a reference to the maven repository....
Usually they have artifacts here ..
So I copied the dependency xml and put it in a minimal maven pom

then ...

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

That should have copied the jar to a folder, I could then check into the "repo"
But instead it gave me errors that it couldn't resolve.
I looked at the maven page... and sure enough - there is no binary jar checked in !!!

I could check out the 0.4 tag in github and build it, but I'm wondering why you gave me this link, and if it worked for you .. perhaps in some other way ?\

This is the tentaive interface in Java ... but basically it would be the same in Python, but less code ;)
Was thinking of having an

osc.connect("somehost", 7777)

then all subsequent would be osc.send("/path", var, args, 123, "hello"), that way the "somehost", 7777 would not need to be specified on every call ... still might do it, the only thing which gave me pause was the fact its udp protocol underneath - which is "connectionless" - so connect might be a little deceiving 




7 years 8 months ago

Ok, I got listen to work by connecting 2 Osc services together ...

Some stuff I've learned:

  • At the bottom of the service page - http://myrobotlab.org/service/osc , you'll find the current working script.   I decided to go with the "connect" method because the notation is less cluttered.


  • The OSCMessage vs Osc is bothersome, but OSCMessage is a class from the original JavaOSC.  In Mrl .. all abbreviations follow the same capitalization rules.  Its camelcase for everything as Java traditionally is.  But we try to follow a strict policy of capitalizing "only" the first letter of abbreviations too.  So camelCase makes abbreviation look like words.  I think its easier to read too.  

    For example it would be XmlParser vs XMLParser.   I'm very close to refactoring and creating a new Mrl class called OscMessage where it will contain the same contents (and perhaps more) of the OSCMessage - probably should do that sooner than later, otherwise risk breaking peoples python scripts.

    Refactoring done, there is a static inner class named OscMessage - all interface methods or data is now done with Mrl standard Osc

  • The "address" as they refer to it (e.g. "/test") reminds me very much of Mqtt & Kafka's "topics". Mqtt protocol has a rich regular expression to support subscribing to "topics".
    O.K.  just tested it and "/*" looks like it might do what I would expect - found some helpful examples of addressing here - http://opensoundcontrol.org/spec-1_0-examples#OSCaddress 
  • One thing which did not work is 
    osc.sendMsg("/somewhere/else", "this", "is", 7, 3.3, "variable arguments")
    not sure if it did not receive or could not send.

I think there might be be a bug in JavaOSC - where any address which is mutiple levels like


is not received by listening to /*


generates a event - but /test/data/1  does not

Hello, sorry for the absence this WE i had some family matters i had to attend to!

Sorry also for the wrong link...

Good idea to do the refactoring, feels cleaner now :).

Is /*/* working? If "/" is an escaping character it might be it... Even if it would be strange if it is trying to match strings thanks to regular expressions.