Any idea why the ShoutBox is empty this am - and any attempt to post fails?


8 years 1 month ago


It's probably a WebCrawler that has made the shoutbox to stop. It's not the first time it happens. I hope GroG will restart it as soon as he wakes up. 

Keep calm and continue printing :)


8 years 1 month ago

In reply to by Mats

Thanks Mats! Just wanted to be sure it wasn't something on my local machine.

Did you get the whole mapping / min/max / input/output thing sorted out?




8 years 1 month ago

In reply to by mayaway

Hi Stephen

I think the mapping got sorted out. At least to a level that it should be compatible with how it worked in 1723. ( Except for one bug that existed in 1723 that now is corrected ).  But I also want to read thru Markus scripts, because I think he has used mapping a lot, and I want to see in what order he has specified the parameters to reverse the servo movement.  

I will test more tonight. I want to check, with actual hardware, that setMin and setMax works as expected. I think you should be able to find the min and max positions for an unmapped servo once, and then they should always apply and protect the servos. That's how it is today. But I also found that something like map(40,80,30,70) would set the min and max limits for the servo to be 30 and 70. So that will overwrite any previous setMinmax(). A

I also want to make some testing with the new speed/acceleration methods and the differerent attach/detach methods. Primarily to be able to implement them in DiyServo. 

I started to test Servo together with Adafruit16CServoDriver, but hit a few problems. I hope I can sort them out.  

After that I want to continue working on DiyServo, since Gael want to use it for the legs. I need to build something like what kwatters built to be able to fully test it.

And Tracking needs some updates. But I dont' have any good hardware to test it. So I hope somebody else will take on that task.

I also have more work to do in Esp8266-01 to improve the speed. Waiting for some voltage regulators so that I can use it truly wireless. 

And I guess some new i2c devices will show up soon. So they will need drivers. Laser ranger with high accuracy is on it's way in.  

The new 3D printer also needs to be finished. It's built and tested, but I need a all metal hotend to be able to print. So waiting for part for it.

Calamity said "Mats has to many toys", and I think he is right. I have a whole box of devices that I want to test and build into my InMoov. But I haven't printed or built or even programmed my InMoov in months. Making more different sensors available is high priority for me. And I want a moving base of some type.   

I also ordered an Arduino Mega. It's difficult to test Gaels script without the Arduinos.

So many interesting things on my TODO list.

And then documentation. That is the most difficult part since it takes a lot of time ( if done ) and the documenter don't benefit so much from it as the people reading it. So it requires some dicipline. But I think it's necessary, because the same questions are being asked in the shoutbox over and over again. Not very efficient.



8 years 1 month ago

In reply to by Mats


Yes you have too many toys... But i'm just like you, my toys box is full of many cool device and I have a very long TODO list full a fun things to do

Onthe top of my list is the improvement to the Servo service and the IntegratedMovement service.

I'm begining to be happy with the IntegratedMovement service, now i'm trying to use kinect data generate a 3d map of the environment of the robot and interract with the detected objects.


8 years 1 month ago

Yep no shout possible, bad webcrawlers!

There is progress done with version 1887 version, jaw works again with NaturalReader! It's pretty much out of sync with speech synthetis though, leaving sometimes the robot with the mouth open.

Just tested version 1890, The torso is still wacked off, be carefull when powering.


improvised shoutbox :) @gael I actualy implement there is a little mistake inside it :

def lookrightside() is twice and missing def lookleftside()

Yes indeed, Thanks,

And I modified

def lookinmiddle():
i01.setHeadSpeed(0.70, 0.70)



We could have a minimal eye as well... it could be handy to test eyes and eye lids.


I was looking to add all my bot files for french and english but there is a path that seems not logic.

We currently have :


The logic path should be :



Should all the gestures be added in inmoovGestures like :


I currently have a relax gesture that looks like this for exemple, how do we work our global? I have about a hundred various gestures, hopefully I don't need to rename them and modify them all

def relax():
   neopixel.setAnimation("Color Wipe", 0, 0, 20, 1)
   neopixel.setAnimation("Ironman", 0, 0, 255, 1)
   if (i01.eyesTracking.getOpenCV().capturing):
      global MoveBodyRandom
      global MoveHeadRandom
      i01.setHandSpeed("left", 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85)
      i01.setHandSpeed("right", 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85)
      i01.setArmSpeed("right", 0.75, 0.85, 0.65, 0.85)
      i01.setArmSpeed("left", 0.95, 0.65, 0.75, 0.75)
      i01.setHeadSpeed(0.85, 0.85)
      i01.setTorsoSpeed(0.75, 0.55, 1.0)

      global MoveBodyRandom
      global MoveHeadRandom
      i01.setHandSpeed("left", 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85)
      i01.setHandSpeed("right", 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85)
      i01.setArmSpeed("right", 0.75, 0.85, 0.65, 0.85)
      i01.setArmSpeed("left", 0.95, 0.65, 0.75, 0.75)
      i01.setHeadSpeed(0.85, 0.85)
      i01.setTorsoSpeed(0.75, 0.55, 1.0)



You right ,chatbot not implemented yet, the logic path should be :


The better is inmoovChatbot/fr/aiml/A.aiml , why because this standardized language parameter is used in ear/mouth/languagepack

Don't worry about gestures rewrite ( I think :) )
I use a general file to sort all of possible global,just usefull to know what is possible to intercept :…

Gestures will worky out the box but must refactored about error control. like your sample here :

i01.eyesTracking.getOpenCV().capturing only work if head is launched and if opencv launched too...
So I will add an error control on it

or :

About Neopixel I will rename all of your neopixel.setAnimation() to PlayNeopixelAnimation() : If someone dosn't have a neopixel it will stuck the gesture or return an error. So with PlayNeopixelAnimation(), no problem at all.

The general idea by 1 line :

# This inmoovAPPS or GESTURE need :

>> return a vocal error about prerequisites

Just put your gestures as you want, you can make subfolders too if you want. I will implemente recursive loading.

The idea is to make an easy understandable dictionary of gestures. maybe we can make folders

MINIMAL_GESTURES ( basic skeleton control )
COMPLETE_GESTURES ( full inmoov )


Thanks for the reply,

Don' t you think that this should be False instead of zero for more comprehensive? With the True/False, users will understand better that this setting is somehow optional, rather than a value number.





8 years 1 month ago

Shoutbox reset ....

Bad-webcrawlers scraped off sides ... for the moment ..

We are sailing again 

Ahoy !