some rss feed script for myrobotlab? I found this script but I do not know what library is added
some rss feed script for myrobotlab? I found this script but I do not know what library is added
There are many connectors in MyRobotLab to connect to various systems. RSS is one of them!
There is the RSSConnector. You should have a look. It allows you to fetch the items in an RSS feed and publish them in MyRobotLab. There is also an ETL pipeline that lets you parse the items in the RSS feed and do many other things with it.
More Info about it here:
and here:
What are you trying to do?
hi kevin , I want the robot...
hi kevin, I want the robot to tell the news of the digital newspaper
Here are the files added for the parser
The library files to be added to the pythonModules folder
les fichiers de la librairie à ajouter dans le dossier pythonModules
thanks steveh110
thanks steveh110 work perfect!!![](
Hi guys ! I Great idea, I
Hi guys ! I Great idea, I will try this script and rssservice to reduce lines of code
@Kwatters it seem service had a little problem , when I start it :
ERROR c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - runtime error NoClassDefFoundError it/sauronsoftware/feed4j/FeedIOException
tested with 1825 and 1835
Hi ! Try to play with
Hi ! Try to play with rssconnector, how is it worky ?
RSSConnector=Runtime.createAndStart("RSSConnector", "RSSConnector")