
The tracking service create his own  arduino. Is it possible to share the already running arduino's service with the tracking service ?

I've saw the function " suggestPeerAs " or someting like that in the sources of Inmoov . Is it that ?

An other thing, i've two webcams, they have their own "pan", but share the same "tilt" ( the neck ) . Can i make something to share the neck between two tracking services ? By exemple  newPosition=leftAngle+rightAngle/2 ...

The goal is to evaluate the distance from an object using some triangle's therorem from the datas : space between the webcams, left webcam's angle and right webcam's angle .

Thank you for your help


10 years 1 month ago

Yes you can find distance by triangulation.  The Trig is trivial, so would be finding the degree of each pan servo.  

The Challenge is knowing the point chosen in the video is the "same point" in each camera.

Sure, sounds like a good plan.  It simplifies things when the environment is simple.  If the ball is the only object in the field of view of both cameras and is a different color than the background then yes - this could be done easily.