

It could be nice to have a section for show our projects ( description, how it advance, picture ...)

and an other to talk about all and nothing .

Maybe one to introduce ourselves ( it's a good sentence ? blush)


11 years 5 months ago

Hi Beetlejuice,

You've got great ideas ! - Can you give me more detail on what you were thinking about ?
And how it would display on the site?

Perhaps the user (e.g. http://myrobotlab.org/users/grog ) page should have more questions and allow more space for users to tell about themselves, where they are from, interests, experiences, etc. ?

I've been using "Blogs" to decribe projects - but I like more structure as you suggest - do you have a vision on what you would like to see?

Heh, also are you a Drupal expert? :)
or do you know one ?



I thinked just add new sections .

For now, we have " Getting sarted " and " Sugestion box " .

Just add " Introduce yourself ", " Your project : Show us your work ! " And " General discutions "


After that, each member could create new topic in the right section .

And for Drupal, no, i even don't eard about it  lol.