Hi. I'm going to buy a Raspberry and I want to install MRL on that. Can I do it? 


11 years 5 months ago

Ciao eziovn123, and welcome...

Ya..you can run MRL on Raspberry Pi.

You'll need to install Java JDK 7 too, because MRL is a java based software..

I advise you too have a look at the Beagle Bone Black board too: 


it has 1 ghz processor, boot in less than 10 seconds and has 3d graphics acceleration ;D

Hmm... I think this needs a Tuto ..  Don't you think, Alessandruino ;) ?

Step #1 - get Java installed on your RasPi

Here is some good info on how to do so - http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/4683/how-to-install-java-jdk-on-raspberry-pi

So many choices ! ...  I would recommend the OpenJDK 7
Which should install with the following command ...

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

Let us know how that goes, then you can move on to Step 2 ! 



11 years 5 months ago

Tks u guys! But I haven't had a Rasp Pi yet. 'Cuz I'm in Vietnam and it's take a few weeks to have one.