Hi guys,

beside a screenshot of the opencv surface areas.
Can anyone give me explanations what these areas (blue) mean and which settings make which results ?


3 years 1 month ago

Hi Tricia.
This is the latest webgui and native viewer for OpenCV

1. stop start capture button - starts and stops the capture
2. web viewer toggle - viewer for over the network display in a web page (not recommended for slow networks)
3. native viewer toggle - toggles native/swing display for the stream
4. grabber type - there are a variety of frame grabbers from opencv, this one is the image file frame grabber - it uses still images, some use cameras, some use remote video feeds
5. source is used to configure the input for the frame grabber
6. for this particular frame grabber and input of a selected file is used
7. the image selected must be uploaded 
8. shows the path relative to myrobotlab where the file was uploaded to
9. is a recorder that records the display to a mp4 video file saved in data/OpenCV
10. takes a snapshot of the display and saves it as a png to data/OpenCV/cv-{frame number}.png
11. current filters in the pipeline - these are named filters currently running
12. these are available filters to add to the pipeline
13. is the native viewer display
14. is where parameters for the current filters are configured (nothing here for this one at the moment)
15. info - that a snapshot has been saved to the listed location
16. info alarm - lets you know you have an info waiting

Hi GroG,

thank you for answer where shows the functionalities.

But I have an understanding problem: I think one work on the surface of Nixie 1.1.563 and you show me something complete different. Can you please explain me this ?

Gael said that on the new release 1.1.563 are explainations when hovering with the mouse, but I found nothing.

It would be good to come on the same level then you to work together und to help develop the opencv service at Nixie.



Nixie uses a WebGui or browser to display,
But on the OpenCV page - you have the option of using 2 viewers ..

It can display the image in the web page "web viewer" #2 or with a "native viewer" #3

As for the "hovering mouse" there are a few things which do that, but it takes time and effort to put in the information.