We are trying to use the fingers sensor so the robot can grab books of different thickness. Then the idea would be that the fingers close until they detect certain pressure.
I tested the sensors fo the fingers and they work, we can see different values of pressure. But i did this test using an arduino, not using the robot, so i don't know how to add the pressure conditions to the gesture.
Can anyone help us?
Thank you,
Frozen engineers team
Hello and
Hello and Welcome Caroline-EXmachina !
(really like the name)
I assume your doing this in Python.
You have an analog sensor reading from one of the analog pins, and you want to feed that information back into the positioning of the servo ?
Is that correct ?
Have you used myrobotlab before ? or only Arduino sketches ?
Have ever you loaded MrlComm.ino into your Arduino ?
myrobotlab comes with a oscope, where the pressure can be visualized.
This is an example of the latest with 2 analog pins and 1 digital reading samples
With myrobotlab you can write a "callback" function in python which will deliver the pressure data to a function which you can use to determine position of servo & finger.
Is this what you are trying to do ?
Hello, Here is a example