Hi Core team,

I want to run multiple Mp3 file in myrobot lab. it work perfectly by adding multiple file for different commnd but every time it run same service  file from  C:\mrl\InMoov\services\1_AudioFile.py which has following command

 if MouthControlActivated and mouthControlAudiofile:i01.mouthControl.onStartSpeaking("This is a fake text, a long fake text, very long.")


pls. help to run the run multiple mp3 file with multiple command so that it will synch with each file differently.

thanks and regards,




6 years 2 months ago

Hi, and welcome.  I suppose it would help us if you provided us more background.  like


1. what script are you using?

2. what are you trying to do?

3. what error messages are you seeing?

4. what version of MRL are you using? and on which operating system? 

You can ask the audio file service to play mp3s..

you can ask a speech synthesis service to synthesis speech  (which it will then cache as an mp3 file if it needs to say the same thing in the future..)

Is this what you're talking about ?  What is the signifigance of your  "This is a fake text, a long fake text, very long."  ??  what does that mean?


Are you trying to get the robot to speak a very long sentence?  paragraphs? entire stories?  


Did you try doing something like:

speech.speakBlocking("first thing to say")

speech.speakBlocking("second thing to say")


good luck!



thanks for your responce

1. what script are you using?

i didnt modified any script . i am using the same scriopt which downloaded with MRL Version 2693.

2. what are you trying to do?

  i want to run multiple mp3 file which we stored in C:\mrl\InMoov\system\sounds folder  individualy with saperate voice command with jaw movement synchronized .

Example if we give voice command as waka waka  it will play waka waka.mp3 next we say xyz it will play xyz.mp3 which are in the sound folder.  And it work very well by updating command in C:\mrl\InMoov\chatbot\bots\en\aiml\_inmoovGestures.aiml 

but while playing mp3 file there is no jaw movement which sync with audio.  for that purpose we got solution from  below forum 


in this they had added command in the file C:\mrl\InMoov\services\1_AudioFile.py 

    if MouthControlActivated and mouthControlAudiofile:i01.mouthControl.onStartSpeaking("This is a fake text, a long fake text, very long.")
and it work very well for one mp3 file as we add the some text in  "   " till the song play.


4. what version of MRL are you using? and on which operating system? 

i am using MRL version 2693 on windows 10 operating system.


Is this what you're talking about ?  What is the signifigance of your  "This is a fake text, a long fake text, very long."  ??  what does that mean?

this command gives the jaw movement till the mp3 song play.

like if there is some music in start up song then we put  ".......... " then the song word  or alphabate we put to create jaw movement, like  "............waka waka ....waka waka....." 

Are you trying to get the robot to speak a very long sentence?  paragraphs? entire stories?  

no.  I want to play multiple mp3 file like any famous soung from hollywood with jaw sync .


note :  i also trying by giving audio signal to  analog pin but it will not work perfectly. means the jaw movment is not perfect for song. follwing setting done in C:\mrl\InMoov\config\skeleton_head.config

;this is optional diretct mouthcontrol
;analog pin range are 14-18 on uno, 54-70 on mega



Pls. let me know how can we add any new guesture.py file with following command.

    if MouthControlActivated and mouthControlAudiofile:i01.mouthControl.onStartSpeaking("This is a fake text, a long fake text, very long.")