
When every we download latest buils from myrobotlab website.

the file version of 2693  downloaded.

the further next version is not downloaded.

is there any other link to download latest version build.



6 years 10 months ago

Hello Sunilskar,

Since the start of this year, the lead developers have been working hard on a new build management system.

This change has proved to be more difficult than first thought, and as a result there have been no new builds since the last release, Manticore.

Currently, the development is progressing well now and looks close to a new successful build coming out soon.
Once the new build environment is fully operational the lead developers will release the new build.

As part of this new build, a number of the third party open source components will also be updated to the latest version at the same time, 
One of the major advantages to the new build environment is it's ability to bring in all the latest updates that previously had to be done manually.

I can tell you, your not the only one hanging out for the next build, but all we can do is be patient and when the new update is released, help with the testing.

