New eyeglass print came out awesome. Have to admit though the support was an absolute pain in the rear to get off. About 2 hours of clean up to get it in the state it is now.
Still loving it can't wait to move on to the next pieces.
Well exoskeletal portion of the head is complete now onto the insides. Take that back still have the lower jaw to complete. That will come next after the neck is finished.
Progress On A Head
InMoov just flat out looks great. Printing Printing Printing
yeah InMoov of Champions
Still printing. Kudos to whomever converted these to stl files sweet prints.
Great Work Dwilli ! Curious
Great Work Dwilli !
Curious why you needed supports for the eyepiece? Without supports were you concerned that it would break off @ 95% again?
Trudging a-head ;)
Well exoskeletal portion of the head is complete now onto the insides. Take that back still have the lower jaw to complete. That will come next after the neck is finished.
Got Red?
I just had a thought, if you have red plastic you could do a mix of red and gold and have an IronMan InMoov.