JFugue service is a wrapper for the JFugue project.
JFugue is a great open-source Java API for programming music without the complexities of MIDI.
JFugue makes programming music this easy:
Example code (from branch develop):
import time
#create a Serial service named serial
jf = runtime.start("jf","JFugue")
serial = runtime.start("serial","Serial")
count = 0
if not serial.isConnected():
#connect to a serial port COM3 57600 bitrate 8 data bits 1 stop bit 0 parity
serial.connect("COM3", 9600, 8, 1, 0)
#have python listening to serial
serial.addListener("publishByte", python.name, "input")
def input():
global count
newByte = int(serial.readByte())
#we have reached the end of a new line
if (newByte == 10) :
distanceString = ""
while (newByte != 13):
newByte = serial.readByte()
distanceString += chr(newByte)
distance = int(distanceString)
print distance
# count is used to avoid loop : one note couldn't be repeated
if (distance < 20 and count != 1) :
count = 1
elif (distance > 30 and distance < 50 and count != 2):
count = 2
elif (distance > 60 and distance < 80 and count != 3):
count = 3
Example configuration (from branch develop):
listeners: null
peers: null
type: JFugue