If you need to literally display things out of an ESP32 then well recommended is Bitluni's ESP32Lib library.
14-Bit colour Max Headroom is displayed with the ESP32's 3D Graphics Engine, STL file that has been Low_poly_ed to 5000 Triangles.
It supports 3-Bit colour and 14-Bit colour graphics, (3-Bit is easy ...14-Bit requires quite a bit of wiring).
fps not bad for circa 220,000 triangle/sec.
It allows you to display via a VGA screen using RGB and Horizontal/vertical sync signals all generated via the ESP32.
As you can see from the resistor network required to create the DAC for the RGB signals
If you do not want to solder, then Bitluni has also a ready built board here.
Just for comparison here is the 3-Bit colour Max Headroom ..
.....and "Conways Life"
Update :- day later ...... Whooo there is a sprite possibilities- using Sprite Editor included in the GItHub.
Here is something I prepared with some of my Nixie Graphics (yes this is real update time) :-