Hello everyone, 

Hope you can help and sorry if is a stupid question, I followed the post http://myrobotlab.org/content/deeplearning4j-opencv-and-real-time-objec…;     , and I had copied and pasted the code in the link to the python tab of MRL and executed and then MRL goes to non responding mode, below are the error messages, 

have I missed something? or need to download something for this to work? the laptop webcam lights up and then MyRobotLab freezes with messages below..., 


Thank you for you help, 

KInd Regards 

Roger (beginner) 



Exit Value : 0
17:55:33.962 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime
 execToString("WMIC.exe [PATH, Win32_Battery, Get, EstimatedChargeRemaining]")
Exit Value : 0
17:55:34.105 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  org.myrobotlab.service.Clock - clock
17:55:34.107 [python.input] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime - execTo
tring("WMIC.exe [PATH, Win32_Battery, Get, EstimatedChargeRemaining]")
17:55:34.116 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime
 Runtime.createService MoveBodyTimer
17:55:34.117 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getM
ssageSet loading 168 non-sub-routable methods
17:55:34.119 [python] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Clock
MoveBodyTimer = Runtime.getService("MoveBodyTimer")
17:55:34.119 [webgui] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscribe [MoveBod
Timer/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:55:34.119 [webgui] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscribe [MoveBod
Timer/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:55:34.120 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO  c.myrobotlab.service.SwingGui - createTab
MoveBodyTimer org.myrobotlab.swing.ClockGui
17:55:34.128 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscrib
 [MoveBodyTimer/publishStatus ---> SwingGui/onStatus]
17:55:34.129 [AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscrib
 [MoveBodyTimer/publishState ---> SwingGui/onState]
17:55:34.132 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime
 Runtime.createService MoveEyesTimer
17:55:34.133 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getM
ssageSet loading 168 non-sub-routable methods
17:55:34.136 [python] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Clock
MoveEyesTimer = Runtime.getService("MoveEyesTimer")
17:55:34.137 [webgui] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscribe [MoveEye
Timer/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:55:34.137 [webgui] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscribe [MoveEye
Timer/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:55:34.147 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime
 Runtime.createService MoveHeadTimer
17:55:34.148 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getM
ssageSet loading 168 non-sub-routable methods
17:55:34.157 [python] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Clock
MoveHeadTimer = Runtime.getService("MoveHeadTimer")
17:55:34.158 [webgui] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscribe [MoveHea
Timer/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:55:34.158 [webgui] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscribe [MoveHea
Timer/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:55:34.167 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime
 Runtime.createService MoveRandomTimer
17:55:34.167 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - getM
ssageSet loading 168 non-sub-routable methods
17:55:34.169 [python] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Python - exec(String)
from org.myrobotlab.service import Clock
MoveRandomTimer = Runtime.getService("MoveRandomTimer")
17:55:34.171 [webgui] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscribe [MoveRan
omTimer/publishStatus ---> webgui/onStatus]
17:55:34.171 [webgui] INFO  c.myrobotlab.framework.Service - subscribe [MoveRan
omTimer/publishState ---> webgui/onState]
17:55:34.221 [python.interpreter.2] INFO  class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime
 setLogLevel ERROR
Exit Value : 0
Exit Value : 0
input: WAKE_UP, that: unknown, topic: unknown, chatSession: org.alicebot.ab.Cha
@20470300, srCnt: 0
Matched: WAKE_UP <THAT> * <TOPIC> * _inmoovChatbot.aiml
0. <srai>HI</srai> from WAKE_UP <THAT> * <TOPIC> * topic=unknown)
Matched: HI <THAT> * <TOPIC> * personality.aiml
writeCertainIFCaegories learnf.aiml size= 76


6 years 8 months ago

Hi Roger,

and Welcome ! :)

Don't worry about "stupid" questions ...  without them we would learn nothing.  Anyway, your doing a service, because you posted this question, which means there are probably 30 other people which have the same problem and have not asked.  

I cannot say what is going wrong.  The fact your laptop camera goes "on" is great.  I know dl4j is compute intensive .. this might explain the "freezing" ..

For future reference please become familiar with the "noWorky" button - this sends the "whole" myrobotlab.log file to a server which allows a better understanding of what went wrong.  


Hi GroG, 

Thank you for your warm welcoming and reply help Your creation is amazing!

I had tried again today again on another computer, this time MRL did not freeze and I can see myself in the "OpenCv" service tab, however the "DL4J" filter did not appear to be activated (or appear on the listbox next to the "filters: available - current" list box, the target filer list is empty. 

Errors also generated and I followed your instructions to noworky button and sent the MyRobotLab.log to you with my username on it (Roger2). 

Thank you for your help, 

Kind Regards, 





Hi Roger2,

I'd recommend trying to use dl4j and/or OpenCV separately - outside of InMoov.  
InMoov has many more things going on.
Whenever, you try something new you should try to simplify what you are working with, until it is working the way you want it.

There are quite a few errors in the log you sent, and some of them are related to "unable to open com port 3" which has nothing to do with opencv nor dl4j.

You might want to ask for a "working" simple script for dl4j  ...


the one provided is a "little too simple" - in that it doesn't do anything :P

Hi GroG, 

Yes you are absolutely right , I need to simplify on what I'm working with, 

i should keep it to very simple and get it working first, I was supposed to run 

it in Virtual mode and thanks for pointing out the port com 3 error, (I had it in Right side mode and had nothing attached.)  I will try the simple script link you provided and thank you very much for your help! I will let you know how I go with it. 

Thank you 

Kind Regards 





Hi GroG, 

I tried your suggesion of the "working" simple script, DL4J service fires up with no issues, 

but it is as you said: it does nothing, is there a full script as the video in the link : http://myrobotlab.org/service/deeplearning4j&nbsp; ? which I can test out on my webcam recognising objects just like how your video worked.., (for example, it knows it is a screwdriver when the webcam sees the screwdriver..etc..) 

Thank you very much for your help

Kind Regards, 






6 years 8 months ago

Hi there,

I had this issue - Hitting Ctrl-C in the command window for mrl 'woke' it up and made it start responding again.


6 years 8 months ago

hmmm .. this sounds like a process is getting hung on input or output ...
The ctrl-c basically kills the "outside" process of mrl .. and then the spawned process continues..

Could one of you please enter details here https://github.com/MyRobotLab/myrobotlab/issues 

Please describe the version, and how to replicate - and we'll sure to process the ticket before Nixie's release 

You Rock !

Thanks. :D

Hi Grog, 

Hope you been well, is been a year already, time flies so fast and I hope you are well, 

I'm testing the OpenCV with Deeplearning4J in MRL again (latest version), same codes above, 

and some how the OpenCV loads up with the dl4j filter but it does not recognise any objects that I put in front of the camera.., I had sent you the log with the no worky button,   username: Roger2

also I dont see any errors in the command window of MRL, so the initial resolution of (Ctrl + C) didnt work anymore..., it was working before but now it is not working, ......

Do you have any suggestions please?

Also, I see your and Gael's creation of Nixie, is this going to replace the current version of MRL? if so, where can I download it and try ? It looks very amazingly awesome!

Thank you for your help, I look forward to your response, 

Kind Regards, 





Hi Roger,
A pleasure to hear from you again. 

Also, I see your and Gael's creation of Nixie, is this going to replace the current version of MRL? if so, where can I download it and try ? It looks very amazingly awesome!

Yes,  lots of work to do ... ;)
Glad you are excited.

I didn't see anything clearly that should prevent things from being classified by the filter.  I wish I had more info for you.  I suspect we will pretty soon be able to test the filters in Nixie and might have more info at that time.
I did check in Nixie and it appears to be working... although WebGui for OpenCV still need considerable work.

Hi Grog, 

Thank you for your prompt response and looking into the logs I have sent you, much appreciated. 

and thanks for checking the dl4j filter in Nixie, your results looks really amazing and I very much looking forward to Nixie as well! The interface looks superb!


Thank you very much for your help as always, 

Kind Regards, 


Hi Roger ,GroG

I'm taying to use DL4J filter, but i had same Roger's problem, nothing recognized and there is no error too.. and i coud'nt find the zip file also ..

my MRL version is  1.0.2693.16 

plz how you can help , i need to submit my project soon..
