hello, I have an error with this program. if anyone can help:

ERROR: [ERROR] python error PyException - null Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 35, in <module>
from java.lang import String
import threading
aimlPath = "E:\PROGRAMAS\MRL\ProgramAB\bots\max\aiml"
aimlBotName = "max"
aimlUserName = "fede"
botVoice = "Antonio"
###botVoice = "Rod"
def heard(data):
  print "Speech Recognition Data:"+str(data)
# MAIN ENTRY POINT  - Start and wire together all the 
# launch the swing gui?
# gui = Runtime.createAndStart("gui", "GUIService");
# Create ProgramAB chat bot ( This is the inmoov 
#"brain" )
harry = Runtime.createAndStart("harry", "ProgramAB")
harry.startSession("ProgramAB", "default", "max")
##harry.startSession("ProgramAB", "default", "alice2")
# Html filter to clean the output from programab.  
#(just in case)
htmlfilter = Runtime.createAndStart("htmlfilter", "HtmlFilter")
# mouth service, speech synthesis
mouth = Runtime.createAndStart("i01.mouth", "AcapelaSpeech")
# the "ear" of the inmoov TODO: replace this with 
#just base inmoov ear?
ear = Runtime.createAndStart("i01.ear", "WebkitSpeechRecognition")
ear.addListener("publishText", python.name, "heard");
# MRL Routing webkitspeechrecognition/ear -> program 
#ab -> htmlfilter -> mouth


7 years 10 months ago

it looks more like a scripting error than a bug in program ab.  you should send a no worky so we can actually see what is happening.  Your post does not contain enough information.

Also, rather than posting your script into the blog post, you should add it to github in the pyrobotlab project.  Ever user has / can make their own directory for their scripts.  This lets us share the scripts and also allows us to help debug things because the scripts are in a common location.



hi kevin, can`t send no worky tells : "could not send log file" in mrl, and do not let me upload github files in that location, tells me :"File uploads require push access to this repository". What I can do?

Hi Mecax,

  The myrobotlab.log file doesn't get reset every time you run myrobotlab.  This causes the file to get too large sometimes and it can not be uploaded as a no worky.

So, do this.

1. delete the myrobotlab.log file

2. start myrobotlab.

3. run your script & reproduce the issue

4. send the no worky.

hopefully that will work.


It looks like there is a missing jar file in your install. Did you install all of the services? Did they successfully install? Basically it's missing the commons-io-2.3.jar file in your libraries/jar directory. This should be installed when you install all of the services.


you can manually download this file for now at the following location:


and put it in the  myrobotlab_install / libraries / jar directory...

that should solve this error for you.