This tutorial shows how to take a photo (webcam) and send it by email using VOICE CONTROL...

WARN : There are 3 version of the python script

1) simple one - only take a photo using voice

2) full version - it requires a gmail address-take a photo + send it by email (SEE THE TUTORIAL)

3)full version ITA - for CIX, italian users, or who wants to listen the computer talking in italian :D

Good vision :D



11 years 11 months ago

Great tutorial !
I was very curious if email was accessable without any additional dependencies (I'm a Python noob).  Nice, it seems pretty easy.  Well done, it took a lot a work to make 3 versions, and it was nice to see it in Italian mode, as much as it can go...

It would be nice to find or create a Sphinx Italian recognizer. 


11 years 11 months ago

Great tutorial !!

Now the pan&tilt kits could take photo, when asked !!


It's very impressive how it is easy use more services to create a task for our robots, without dealing with basic matter and focusing only on that task.
Thanks to Alessandruino for its Tutorial and Grog for its software


11 years 11 months ago

I clicked the "Tutorial" page and this tutorial was not there !  

It's because you did not choose "Create Content -> Tutorial"..

I think there was a problem previously where it was hidden, but I think I fixed that a while ago .. :D