Video or picture tutorials? Which do you find more useful?

Starting with a complete 3d printed Inmoov, this is what I am starting with for a series of tutorials.

Giving the robot vision, a voice, hearing, and personality.

Connecting 2 raspberry pi's to work together, also two instances of MRL communicating with each other.

OpenCV running on one.

Program A/B and MaryTTS running on the other.


My intention is to make these as simple to follow and understand as possible, with newcomers in mind.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome.


7 years 5 months ago

Video or picture tutorials? Which do you find more useful?

Video -  A picture is worth a 1000 words, a video is worth 32 * 1000 per second words 

My intention is to make these as simple to follow and understand as possible, with newcomers in mind.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

I suggest you make the 'short' and sweet ...  We have some nice videos, but as the software changes - they become obsolete or incorrect.

ALWAYS ALWAYS - include the version # in the video - maybe in text, definately at the beginning .. 

Think of a title before you make it .. like "Running MRL for the First Time - version XXXX)"
Explain there are 2 versions - one for stable and one for the wild at heart ... - show the links 
Download it - say you need to have Java 1.8 
Double clicky no worky ?  
Drop to the command line   java -jar myrobotlab.jar
Here's the version
If something doesnt work - go to and talk to the friendly folks there ..

The "length" to do all those things is probably enough to make 1 standalone video.

Remember as generations and time progresses .. attention spans decline ;)


3 years 7 months ago

@ShanHolt do you have block of a bit more on this.  I am also looking to running with multiple PI's and want to get a better idea as to how people are setting this up successfully.   Much appreciated.