Hi, I'm new to MRL and my long-term goal is to build a inMoov robot. But at the moment I got some serious starting problems. I use Windows 10, 64 bit and 64 bit Java and an arduino UNO. First the good news: I was able to load the sketch on my Arduino and servos can control how it is provided. But that's the end of the good news. Three days ago I tried to integrate the ultrasonic sensor in version 1.0.1413 of MRL. However, it is published only a gray screen. In the chat, it was believed that was because of the version. Now I have also loaded the version 1.0.107 (64 bit). Again, the same error. Likewise, I do not manage to control my motor shield.

I suppose now that there is a problem with the installation. This I can not solve alone. Is there a possibility that someone helps me via TeamViewer or something similar? It would for me today after 11 pm or tomorrow morning or evening. Perhaps it is indeed arrange a time. I speak German and my English is a little rusty, as you can see. But in an emergency that would probably go.


8 years 4 months ago

so i just connected the arduino with the software and im trying to use servos with it and when i do use the little bar to turn the motors tthey do nothing. i did attach it to the right com port and everything. I wanted to create gestures and when i tried the servos would not move. I am using the ada fruit 16 channel servo controller/attachmeant to make it easier to hook servos up to the arduino. I have tried a test code with it and it did work. Am i missing something something because i did upload the code to the arduino and it does show its connected. Please help 


The Adafruit16CServoDriver was working on both the RasPi and and Arduino a few weeks ago. But then we started to work on restructuring MRLComm and I had to remove Adafruit16CServoDriver part from the code.

It was very specific to just the Adafruit16CServoDriver, and one part of the restructuring is to allow for any i2c device to work on the Arduino. Today we have four different i2c devices that work on the RasPi but only one ( or none ) currently on the Arduino. As soon as the restructuring is finished they will all work on both the RasPi and Arduino. And we will be able to add many more i2c devices to MRL. I understand that it's frustrating that it's not working right now. 

At least, now you know that it's not because you are do something wrong.   
