Leap Motion -> Translate / Rotate -> Inverse Kinematics -> publish joint angles -> InMoovArm -> gain + phase shift of angles -> Servo Woo Hoo .... End to end functionality.
Leap Motion + Inverse Kinematics + WebGUI !
I've been starting in at exposing the leap motion controller in the new webgui for MRL. Below is a video for the current progress.
There's one comment that currently if the leap motion only detects one hand, it sends the same data to the left/right hand at the same time. So, there's one point in the video where my left hand goes out of screen and the x positon jumps from negative to positive. This is the reason why. Anyway enjoy!
Oh yeah. and this video was taken from Larry's eye. (Larry is an inmoov with a fisheye camera. The fish eye lense makes it so that the face of the inmoov is very visible. I have cut away from the default face plate of the inmoov to help avoid the inmoov cheaks in the field fo vision.
Congratulations Larry for the
Congratulations Larry for the camera work, the leap looks incredibly sensitive to position changes. Looking forward to seeing this progress.