Hello everyone sorry for my English
i want to track a ball like (alesandro tutorial) i use mrl and python but when i add the code in python i have this error Traceback ( most recent call last)

this is the code tracker = Runtime.createAndStart("tracker","Tracking")
tracker.setRestPosition(90, 90);

I tried the use another version of mrl like 1.0.97 but i have problems in installing opencv

thanks for your help


8 years 12 months ago

Thank you alessandruino for your help and sorry for my basic question so i have a problem with servo when i open the opencv and i click in somthing to track it the servo move very slowly i use (servo sg 90 ) thank you for your fast answer

You can increase responsiveness increasing Kp values in the PIDs tabs...

Values should be 10 by default.. Try increasing with steps of 5

Ki should be at 0.1 I would pur it @ 1.0

If you want to do it using script add this to your script adjusting values, :

xpid.setPID(10.0, 5.0, 0.1)
ypid.setPID(10.0, 5.0, 0.1)

Let me know



8 years 12 months ago

Thank you alessandruino for your help and sorry for my basic question so i have a problem with servo when i open the opencv and i click in somthing to track it the servo move very slowly i use (servo sg 90 ) thank you for your fast answer


8 years 12 months ago

I would like to thank you allesandruino whether the camera quality plays an important role ? now I have done what you told me the servo rotates fast enough but still not the desired result there is Another problem is that when I click on an object with my mouse servo turns to the object but it is not accurate there is a shifts

More important than camera quality is frame rate... The faster it is the fps number and the better is the result you have...

Shift? Can you make a video? It 's hard to tell what it can do...

Video and pictures would help...


thank you alessandruino this is my problem when i click in to point to track it a lot of black point aparaite in my ecran and the servo don't move to the correcte point ( the wanted point ( place))

Did you try clicking on "clear points" button and then clicking on the place of the display you want to track?

If you track with multiple points active it 's normal that the tracking isn t correct..

yes allesandruino im trying to click on clear points but the problem is not resolved how i can add a new filter like (color track) ? they are a method the edit in (lkpoint filters) ? like you see the cam done a video (black and white) how can i can track with video color

Gray and Pyramid down filters make the video feed smaller and black and white, to make the tracking faster.... 

you really want to remove those filters?

If yes, in the python script uncomment this line of code

from this : 

# tracker.clearPreFilters()

to this : 
