Hey guys.... My Cousin , Silvio Didonna, got a chance to try MyRobotLab on his new RaspberryPi 2 board with raspicam module ( a camera specifically designed to work with Raspberry).

Him and I were expecting great results from it, but we were a bit worried about the drivers...

Silvio managed to use V4L2 drivers and it works like a charm :

      sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2

Here are some FPS tests with different filters and a little video with just the pyramid down filter applied to the video feed :

- No filter at all 640x480 -> 9 FPS with a 2/3 seconds lag

- Pyramid Down filter 320x240 -> 23 FPS with NO LAG AT ALL !

- Pyramid Down + Gray filter 320x240 -> 30 FPS rock solid ! with NO LAG AT ALL ! PERFECT !

- Pyramid Down + FaceDetect 320x240 -> 5/6 FPS

- Pyramid Down + Gray + FaceDetect 320x240 -> 7 FPS

- Pyramid Down + Gray + LKOpticalTrack without setting a point -> 30FPS

- Pyramid Down + Gray + LKOptical Track after setting a point -> 25 FPS ! GREAT !



9 years 4 months ago

Great experiments Alessandro.

The noise of the cap is synched with the picture... no Lag !

Nice to see a few 25/30 FPS with no lag ! 

I'm curious what FPS OpenCV procesing in MRL would be without the display and even more curious of H.264 display would behave like.



I still can't get it to work (trying for about a year now). Any help on how to use the rpi camera module with MRL?

i have tried it on a rpi 2, and B+ (armhf6 and 7) but the camera is always unresponsive.