I have my PIR sensor set up to powerup my InMoov after after it powers down from inactivity.

I have the PIR attached to pin 12 on my right Arduino.

To start the PIR up, I do the following;

Open the myrobotlab GUI

Open Runtime then start the Arduino service,

Then select Tools and the Board and COM Port the PIR is connected to,

Go to the Oscope and select the pin that the PIR is attached to.(have the power on to your PIR)

With the pin selected, you should see a line going across the screen and you should see it react when you move in front of the PIR. (my PIR turns red when it detects motion)

If this is working, release from the Arduino service and open the Python service and load your script. Here's the script I have for the PIR:

def input():
    print 'python object is ', msg_clock_pulse
    pin = msg_i01_right_publishPin.data[0]
    print 'pin data is ', pin.pin, pin.value
    if (pin.value == 1):
        powerup() (put what ever script you want it to run when it powers up here)
I hope this helps,