Assembly has begun, I'd like to get the head, eyes and neck together to help Ale with 4 PID tracking...  the faster I put this together the faster I can do "real software" development..   Fixing remotely or with no-workys is always much more challenging.

Its fun to see the parts come out and put them together.  I feel like I'm in Gael's head, or at least observing his thoughts and solutions to solve various problems...   very cool and a little voyeuristic.  The design and the way things fit together is fantastic.  Some little pieces were a bit tight fitting. I read that this is probably due to the fact Gael designed and built in ABS which shrinks more than PLA. 

The Dremel with the router bit is great .. a couple of seconds on some of the holes and the pins will fit perfectly. Has a lovely sweet smell to when grinding :)

If you stop by Gael.. I want to say thanks and express how much I appreciate your design skills and also am thankful you chose to publish it with creative commons licensing.  Now that you know I am in awe of your design skills, I have to ask, why did you rotate the head with 2 gears ?  Why not a direct connection from the servo ?  Just curious, was hoping to learn somthing..   

ok .. looks like I got to buy some servos :)

EDIT - heh .. looking down the center of the neck I think I know why Gael chose to use 2 gears instead of direct drive - with direct drive there's not a hole down the center of the neck.. I'm guessing the setup is for WIRING ! .. Awesome :)

Christmas again... Yay .. a tray of good parts

Part Name (STL) L/R Print
Remarks Print
NeckV1.stl       2:36  
GearHolderV1.stl     might have to reprint this one as it suffered from the low bump in the batch print    

Printed parts are on a Replicator 2 (until I get my Prusa working :)
Print settings are "Standard" profile for Replicator 2 - Infill 10%, Quality Standard, Number of Shells 2, Layer Height 0.20 mm, Temp 230 C, Extruding Speed 90 mm/s, Travel Speed 150 mm/s, No Rafts, No Supports


A blog similar to KMC's with my own InMoov triumphs and tribulations.
I'm printing InMoov in black simply because it was loaded in the printer :) ... and I think it will look very cool, especially with red LEDs in the eyes ..

2 Good Prints !  Yay !

Since he's going to be all black, I'll be calling him Chad after KMC's suggestions & this video 





11 years 2 months ago

Very nice prints! I wonder if printing in black means something for the future... Soon you will be able to get the complete head!


11 years 2 months ago

Hey nice assembly!!

Your guessing about the not direct drive of the servo for wiring, is the correct answer :)


10 years 10 months ago

Our Robo Doctor

Every print is so nice. I can see you rake special care of every part, Nice work.