Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


I am trying to create my own InMoov services - or at least modify the existing ones. This is because I used Mats InMoov head which works a little differently to the "standard" InMoov.

I started by creating brand new services based on InMoov - but that just produced so many errors I didn't know where to start.

Next I loaded MyRobotLab 1.0.1723 (Kraken) and that runs fine standalone - but I can't modify it.

I have look at the Tracking service and identify a few thing that was not working well

There is currently two way to set limits to a servo

  • with, maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput)
  • with servo.setMinMax(minOutput, maxOutput)

Both method are doing a good job at keeping the servo inside the limits. However, they behave differently and that dual behavior is causing problem to services using Servo. Tracking service is an example of service that suffer from it


I make a plugin JAR file to use Microsoft voice with Jampal (ptts). 


I've gotten some help working though some of the issues I've run into, and figured out a couple of others by digging though various examples and source code, and determined that things are changing so fast that a lot of things that worked before in previous versions, no longer work (or at least not in the same way).  APIs are in flux and that makes it even more confusing for someone coming in new to MRL.

juerg asked for fullscreen gui .. and since I was polishing in the area - we now have fullscreen mrl.

The fullscreen button is a toggle button -

OK, since no one has any suggestons about actually changing the PID settings from the tab, or specifics on how to do it with the 1.0.2000 build via a Python script I've tabled getting tracking working with the latest build for now and will do some tests with the older versions of MRL that Gael mentions for InMoov and tracking or at least as close as I can get to those verions.

But I have another issue again with 1.0.2000 and setting the min / max values for the servo range.