I have some problem to compile last MRL.
Could you help me ?
You can found link file.
I have some problem to compile last MRL.
Could you help me ?
You can found link file.
Hi all,
New to MRL and trying to get my head around it with InMoov, just the arm for now, and seem to have an issue with the webgui, the services all list fine but the sub-menu/information box is blank for all of them so the ear service opens a blank page
I was hoping to wrap up working with the interfaces. Mats and I made a lot of progress defining how future "attach" will work, and starting to get into the details of implementation. I have been testing with START_INMOOV.bat script, but now realize there is a rather large issue.
The issue is the new improvement from Java 8 of "default" interface methods are not reachable from Jython !
In my intention to ask the robot to approach a certain position I am kind of stuck with a simple 2d array depth map scan to identify obstacles.
The kinect provides a distance value in a 640 by 480 matrix. In order to create a top view of obstacles in front of the robot for each colum I want the lowest distance value and add that into an obstacle list with (col, distance).
This works in principle but the problem is that my i7 CPU spends arount 7 seconds to simply walk to the 640x480 array,
Hi heverybody !
I get an error while build MRL . Can someone help me to find the problem ?
[junit] Running org.myrobotlab.service.InMoovScriptTest
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 530,106 secBUILD FAILED
C:\MRL2\myrobotlab\build.xml:995: Test org.myrobotlab.service.InMoovScriptTest failed
We want to build services which can easily be attached. With simple and consistent rules we can make a platform which supports much more complicated systems.
hello the team yes i am here if you don't hear me it is because i am working about building legs with drill motor for my inmoov
the next steep is programmation
my first testes is good
video is here
I'm trying to get Sabertooth service working again ..
In the process I noticed MotorContoller is missing this method ..
public void attach(MotorController controller) throws Exception;
to go along with the other Controller interfaces and to follow the Attach Pattern !